[Chapter 21 - The Wrong Jedi]

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A blaster shot rang in Lenora's ears.

"The missions... the nightmares... they're finally... over..."


Lenora awoke with a gasp, which was becoming far too common for her liking. She sat up quickly, nearly knocking heads with Rex.

"Are you okay love? I was about to wake you up but-"

"I'm fine. what did you need?" 

"The order- they've kicked the Commander out. She's going to be held on trial by the senate. Senator Amidala is going to be defending her, I figured you'd want to know."

"Are we able to watch the trial?"

"Yes. But are you sure you want to?"

"I am. I'll get Kie'sha and break the news to her."

Lenora made her way over to the couch where Kie'sha was sleeping peacefully. Lightly nudging her shoulder, she woke the girl. 

"Kie'sha, honey, I need you awake right now."

"Mmfgh- five more minutes..." 

"Kie'sha it's important. Ahsoka has been banished from the Jedi order." 

Kie'sha sat bolt upright- "WHAT? They can't do that!"

"Apparently they can. She goes on trial in a few hours." 

Kie'sha dashed around, pulling some clothes on and grabbing a protein bar from the kitchen. 

"Where are you off to?" Rex asked as he took his place beside Lenora.

"I have someone I need to have a little chat with." Kie'sha said, avoiding a proper answer.

The half-Pantoran rushed out the door.

"Be careful!" Lenora doted.

The couple stood there in a confused silence for a second before Rex broke the tension.

"You know, you might make a great mother one day."

Lenora practically gave herself whiplash with how fast she turned her neck to face Rex- "Excuse me?" 

Rex chuckled- "Only if you want to love." 

"You say that every time!" 


Kie'sha absolutely bolted to the Jedi temple. When she reached the door she was looking for, rather than ring the doorbell she instead opted to pound on the door desperately. 

"Enter." She heard Barriss call calmly. 

"Barris! It's Ahsoka! She got banished from the order! She's being put on trial in the senate as we speak!" 

"Oh my! That's horrible!" 

"Please Barriss, you have to help me! I know she's not guilty, but I just can't find any solid proof to back her up!" 

"Kie'sha I don't know- I feel like blaming it on Ventress is such a stretch-"

Kie'sha froze- "Ventress?"

"I- I heard from someone that Ahsoka was spotted with her- I thought you might already-"

But Kie'sha wasn't listening. Her hand hand flown to her lightsaber. 

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora