[Chapter 18 - Morning]

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A blaster bolt rang in Lenora's ears. Rex had been shot down.

"Protect the Captain!" 

Lenora and Kix circled back on their speeders. Lenora checked Rex's pulse as Kix examined the wound on his chest. 

"Jesse you'd better get back here."


"How bad?"  Jesse asked concernedly.

"Pretty bad. We need to remove his armor to see the full extent of the damage." Kix responded. 

Lenora was frozen to the spot. This couldn't be how it ended. It just couldn't.

"Those snipers might have called for backup. Unless we want to start getting picked off one by one, we should find better cover first." Hardcase noted.

"Wait a minute. Those critters are domesticated."  Jesse observed.

"Okay...?" Lenora snapped out of her worried state to question Jesse's observation.

"I think we're on farmland, and where there's a farm, there's usually a farmer." 

Lenora rolled her eyes to the heavens- of course no one could see it under her helmet. 


The group sped up to the farmer's homestead, but were met with a magenta Twi'lek woman brandishing a rifle. 

"We want no trouble here."

"Easy with that weapon ma'am. We're here as friends." Jesse assured.

Lenora noticed the woman's face change for a split second as Jesse removed his helmet, regaining her composure in an instant. 

"State your business." 

"Our Captain's been injured- we need-" Kix began.

"I'm no doctor so just-"

"Please ma'am, we have a medic, we just need somewhere to stay while we tend to him." Lenora removed her helmet, looking pleadingly at the woman.

The woman's face visibly softened at the fear on Lenora's face. 

"Mommy! Who's-" two kids came barreling out of the house.

"Back inside both of you."  She ordered- "Look, there are some benches out back in the barn. It's the best I can do." 

"That'll be fine ma'am, thank you." Jesse thanked as the group parked their speeders.

"Really, thank you." Lenora looked intently at the woman. 

"No worries. You look after yourself dear." The woman nodded respectfully at Lenora.


Lenora entered the barn after gathering some extra medical supplies from her speeder. She walked over to the benches to find a shirtless Rex laid out across them.

Her face went bright red.

"You alright there Len?" Jesse teased.

"Yes, of course." Lenora said, her voice coming out far higher than she would have liked.

"Lenora, I need your help over here." Kix beckoned her over- "I need you to put the stitches in, your hands are a lot steadier than mine."

Lenora made quick work of the stitches, Kix then placed a bacta patch over the wound. Rex groaned as he finally came to.

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexWhere stories live. Discover now