[Chapter 8 - Loyal soldiers]

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"Well this is a fine mess we've gotten ourselves into this time huh?" Jesse sat down against the cell wall as Fives slumped beside him.

Lenora paced around the cell, the boys could practically hear the gears in her head turning- and then evidently malfunctioning as she huffed a frustrated sigh.

"What's got you all wound up?" Fives asked the pacing girl.

"I can't shake the feeling that Krell's gonna do something." 

"Do something? He's already done something. We're getting court-martialed remember?" 

"You know what I meant." Lenora glared at Fives- "I just- I don't think he's going to let something like this slide- he doesn't seem like the type to 'take prisoners' if you know what I mean." 

"What you aren't suggesting he's gonna-" Fives was interrupted by the sound of the platform above them lowering. 

Rex entered, looking at wits end. Lenora could practically see the stress headache forming. Four other troopers followed behind him, all looking tentative.

"Fives, Jesse, Lenora-" his voice broke- "I'm sorry. General Krell has ordered your execution immediately."

"What? But how? He can't do this!" Jesse protested.

"He has authority to render punishment during combat." even through the muffle of the ray shield, Lenora could hear how raspy Rex's voice had become- he was distraught.

"I can understand a court-martial, and locking us up in the brig, but executing us?" 

"I tried to convince him that it's my fault, but he wouldn't let me."

"Rex, you have to face it. He's been using you." Fives spoke up- "He needs your loyalty to control the others."

Rex opened the ray shield and the other troopers entered, detaining the three in handcuffs. 

"I won't let him get away with this." Rex promised.

"Ah, don't beat yourself up about it. We made our choice. We knew what the price was." Fives assured.

"Yeah speak for yourself." Jesse huffed.

"Heh, still got your sense of humor I see." Fives tried to lighten the mood.

"Yeah who said I was joking?" 

"Well... guess this is it." Fives sighed.

"'Nora?" Rex placed his hand on Lenora's shoulder, in the place where her pauldron would normally be.

"Mmh?" she hummed in response, barely making a sound as she stared at the ground.

"How are you feeling?" Rex asked, knowing all too well that silence from Lenora never meant anything good.

She simply sighed in response, before moving closer to Rex, leaning into him. Rex thought about stepping back- this kind of display would not go down well with the general- but decided everyone would be too distracted to care. placing a comforting hand on her lower back, he rested his chin atop her head. 

Rubbing comforting circles on her back he whispered- "It'll be alright. I promise I'll find us a way out of this."

Lenora let a single tear slide down her cheek, before regaining her composure and standing tall. She heaved a deep breath, accepting what was to come.


The troopers marched in formation with their rifles in hand, forming a line. They lowered their guns in perfect synchronization, all looking ahead darkly.

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexWhere stories live. Discover now