[Chapter 19 - Star Patient]

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As soon as the 501st made it back to Coruscant Lenora, Kix, and Rex all dashed to the infirmary. They dashed in to find what looked like hundreds of horribly injured workers. But Calliope was nowhere to be seen. 

Lenora approached one of the medical droids- "Excuse me, could you possibly tell me the location of a patient?" 

"Yes ma'am, who do you wish to find?" 

"Calliope Tesna, they're the head mechanic of the 501st."

"They are located in the intensive care ward. I must warn you, most patients there are in critical condition and should not be visited." 

"Thank you." 

The group rushed to find their friend, Lenora led the way. When they reached the intensive care ward they were faced with a bleak scene. There were around twenty people in there, all hooked up with tubes and bandaged heavily. At the far end of the room, looking- luckily- the least harmed of the lot, was Calliope. 

The group rushed over to her bedside, Lenora went to hug her, but stopped in her tracks when she noticed the very bloody looking bandages. 

"Those need to be changed-" 

"Well hello to you too doc!" Calliope quipped, clearly their humor had survived the explosion. 

"It's good to see you're alive." Kix greeted. 

"Pfft- yeah that's one way to put it. Now why don't you two help me out with these bandages? These droids are good but they aren't half as efficient as you lot." 

Lenora and Kix got to work, setting up the curtains around the bed, Rex stepped out to give Calliope a little more privacy. Once they were re-wrapped, Rex re-entered with Anakin and Ahsoka on his tail. 

"We need to ask you some questions." Anakin began. 

"Fire away." Calliope invited.

"Where were you at the time of the explosion?" 

Calliope shot Anakin a look that said 'where do you think pal?', but answered nonetheless- "I was just walking out the door of the hangar, I turned around to call one of my mates but got hit with a blast enough to knock the shoes off a gundark." 

"Did you see anything suspicious before the explosion happened?" Ahsoka pressed.

"Not that I can think of... Wait- actually, there was a guy acting a little weird, dunno his name though... was is Jack? Jackie?"

"Jackar Bowmani?" 

"Yeah? How did you know?"

"We've had a tip already. Thanks for your help. rest up Calli." Ahsoka finished as her and Anakin left. 

"This whole bombing thing is freaking me out. I mean it has to be someone that is close with the Jedi, it could be someone we know." Lenora observed.

"I'm sure they'll figure it out. I'm just glad that I managed to make it out without losing anything important." Calliope mused.

The rest of the group nodded solemnly.

"Anyway, depressing stuff aside- Fives shot me a pretty interesting holomessage before you guys left... You got anything you wanna tell us about you two?" Calliope eyed Rex and Lenora suspiciously. 

"Like what Calli?" Lenora asked, deciding to play oblivious.

"Oh I don't know, I just couldn't help but notice the marks on your neck, and the limp, I mean you guys were only on the mission to Toydaria for a few hours before you were called back prematurely..."

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora