[Chapter 35 - Revelations]

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"The Imperial Revolutionary Party will bring peace and order to this galaxy, whether it accepts it or not." 

Suddenly Lenora found herself in a room with Stellia.

"Don't. Trust. Them." 


Lenora awoke with a gasp, something that was becoming far too common for her liking. She awoke in a pile of blankets, but feeling rather cold when she realized that she was no longer in Rex's embrace. 

Rex was in the kitchen, and when he realized Lenora had awoken he immediately rushed over.

"How are you feeling ner kar'ta?" He placed a comforting hand on her forehead.

"Like I need some arms around me." Lenora whined.

Rex chuckled- "As much as that sounds appealing, we've got some work to do. I shot Kie'sha a holomessage when you extracted the chip, and she's going to come over in a little bit to help analyse it. If you're still feeling out of it you can stay in bed, just know that a couple people are going to be stopping by." 

"I'll get up, but you're carrying me around." Lenora grumbled as she went to get changed. 

"By the way- you were tossing and turning a fair bit. Did you have another of those dreams?"

"Yeah, but I don't know what to make of it yet. It's still fuzzy."

"Why don't you tell me about it while I fix breakfast?" 


"So what was the dream?" Rex took some eggs and bacon out of the fridge.

"It was pretty vague, I heard your voice first, and then some weird gravelly one, and then I was in this bright room with Stellia, and she started going on about how I can't trust 'them', whatever that means." 

Rex hummed in acknowledgement- "Do you remember what the other voices said?"

"Not really... You just called my name I think... and I don't remember anything that the other voice said."

Rex's face scrunched in thought as he placed the bacon and eggs in the frying pan. 

"It just scares me how similar it felt to the dreams I had about Fives." Lenora said quietly.

Rex finished cooking the food, plating it with some toast he'd prepared earlier. He brought it over to Lenora, placing it on the table before her as he sat down. 

Placing a comforting hand on her thigh, he lay a soft kiss on her cheek- "We'll figure this out Nora. I promise." 

The pair ate breakfast in a peaceful silence. They were eventually disturbed by a knock at the door. Rex got up to answer, finding Kie'sha on the other side of the door, her hair ruffled, bags under her eyes, and a holopad in hand. 

"Hey kid... You alright?" 

Kie'sha blinked tiredly, swaying unsteadily on her feet- "Yeah, I just didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night, or the night before that, or most of this week..." 

Rex looked concerned, but said nothing, simply letting the girl in. 

"So, where's the chip?" she asked. 

Rex dug the glass slide that held the chip out of one of his pockets. Kie'sha took it from him, examining it closely.

"We're not really sure how to analyse it yet. It's an organic chip, so we can't just plug it into a computer." Rex informed as Lenora skulked over and flopped herself onto him.

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ