[Chapter 6 - Insubordination]

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"The missions... the nightmares... they're finally... over..."




Lenora awoke with a gasp, bumping her head on the top bunk in the process.

"Lenora? Are you alright?"

Rubbing the bruise now blossoming on her head, she finally began to come to her senses, taking in everything around her. There were three figures standing over her; Fives, Jesse, and Kix. Kix had been shaking her awake, and was the owner of the voice that had been calling her name.

"Hey, are you okay? What happened?" Fives asked this time.

"Yeah. Sorry, it was just a bad dream, that's all."

"Some dream! You were tossing and turning so much Kix nearly had to stop you from tumbling out of bed!" Jesse said, his humor hiding his concern.

"Where's Rex?"

"He's in the tower." Fives answered.

"Lenora are you sure you're alright? You look a bit pale." Kix remarked, ever concerned.

"I'm fine, really. I just want to check in on Rex."

"Are you sure it's you checking in on him?" Fives asked- "You can talk to us too you know, you don't have to resort to Captain buzzcut for emotional support."

"I'm sure 'Captain buzzcut' would be thrilled to know that's what he's being called behind closed doors." Lenora laughed.

"If you tell him-"

"You'll what? Go on!"

Fives rolled his eyes and let out a dramatic sigh- "I'm gonna go try to figure out those Umbaran ships, come get me if anything exciting happens." He left the room, Hardcase making his way in to replace him.

"What's going on in here?"

"Not much." Lenora said at the exact same time as Jesse and Kix said "She had a nightmare."

"Ah-" Hardcase said simply, not pushing for any further details- "Well I'd be on the lookout, Krell is going about assigning people jobs." He left after that.

"I'm gonna suit up." Lenora announced, heaving herself up off the bed.

Jesse and Kix tactfully faced away from Lenora as they chatted while she put her armor on. Lenora had the majority of her armor on by the time Krell decided to enter the barracks.

"Troopers, at attention. I have jobs for you. CT-5597, you are to oversee a patrol of the south wing. CT-6116, you are to head down to the medbay, a platoon sent out on patrol were attacked by Umbarans and are in a critical state, do what you can." Krell finished.

"Sir? What about Lenora?" Jesse asked.

"CT-5597, what are you talking about?" Krell looked at Jesse with murder in his eyes.

"Lenora, sir. She's the other medic? Shouldn't she be helping Kix?"

"CT-5597, what others do is not of your concern. You shall not question my orders, understood? As punishment for your insubordination, you will stack ordinance in the west wing."

"Sir, yes sir." Jesse said, voice filled with venom.

"Now- what is your number trooper?" Krell turned to Lenora.

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