[Chapter 24 - The Unknown]

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"PUSH FORWARD!" Anakin ordered from the front of the group as the troopers fought their way through the mess of blaster fire.

"Fives! Watch out!" Tup called out, shoving him out way of a spray of bolts.

"Thanks brother. I owe you one."

"You owe me a lot more than one." Tup offered a hand to Fives, who accepted.

"You boys okay over there?" Lenora called amidst the chaos.

"Yep! Nothing's broken!" 

The group surged forward, taking down droid after droid, but they just kept coming. Tiplar ordered the soldiers to tighten their flank, then ordered the shields up. The troopers formed a wall with the shields just in time. Three droidekas rolled in and began a steady flow of blaster bolts. In response, General Tiplar lifted the turrets with the force just enough for a trooper to roll some droid poppers through their shields. The droidekas shorted out, allowing the troops to move forward once again. 

The 501st and Tiplee and Tiplar's forces met in a control room, where they took a small break. 

"Don't get too comfortable, this battle hasn't been won yet." Anakin warned. 

As the Generals began to discuss their strategy, Lenora went around checking in on the troopers for any small injuries she could patch up.

"How are you doing Tup? Hanging in there?" Lenora inquired, knowing he'd been down with fester lung previously. 

"I'm hanging in alright." 

The pair were interrupted by an order from Anakin- "Fives, you and Tup take ten of your best men and support master Tiplar."

"We're on it Sir." Fives responded. 

Lenora continued on with her mini check-ups.

Tup rubbed the bridge of his nose uncomfortably. 

"Hey, you all right?" Fives questioned.

"Yeah- I... I just..." 

"Come on, this is a textbook battle. We've run through this a million times before in training."

"Yeah, I know. I just... I don't feel like myself." Tup continued to cradle his forehead.

"What do you mean?" 

Tup glared at General Tiplar with pure rage pulsing through him- "Jedi" 

"Tup, what's the matter with you?" 

"Uh, n-n-nothing. I'm fine. Come on, brother. Don't want to be left behind." 

The pair ran off into battle. 


The battle in the hangar was chaotic. Lenora could hardly see through all of the blaster fire, but it looked as though they had the seppies on the ropes. 

Then they heard a scream. 

Lenora turned her head to see Fives tackle Tup to the ground. Beside the pair of them lay a body. General Tiplar. 

It didn't take Lenora much to piece together what had happened. General Tiplee took her sister in her arms, cupping her face in a desperate attempt to wake her. Lenora rushed over to aid the General in any way she could, but it was already too late.

"We've lost our momentum! Fall back!" Anakin ordered. 

Lenora took Tiplar out of her distraught sisters arms, carrying her limp body as gently as she could as the group made their retreat. 

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