[Chapter 25 - Gone Rogue]

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A blaster shot rang in Lenora's ears.


Fives groaned.

"Just hold on Fives, I'll sort you out." Lenora rushed to treat the wound.

"The missions... the nightmares... they're finally... over..."


Lenora awoke in her bed on Coruscant with a gasp. She rolled over to find the other side of the bed cold and empty- Rex had been gone a while. She sat up and cradled her pounding head. She reached for her canteen to take a sip of water, but before she'd made contact with it Rex rushed through the door looking wired. 

"Nora! It's Fives, he's gone rogue."

"What? Why? How? What?" Lenora panicked. 

"Apparently he was going on about some discovery he made about Tup's chip." Rex explained as Lenora began to gear up- "We've been sent on a manhunt. The Chancellor has requested that the Jedi not get involved-"

"So naturally they're getting involved."

"Yes. General Skywalker, you, I, and some of the other 501st members will be doing a more hushed-up search." 

"Alright. Where do we start?" 


Kix and Calliope sat in a booth across from each other at 79's. Calliope nursed a red bubbling drink with a funny little decoration as Kix came over with a bowl of assorted snacks.

"So how have things been?" Calliope opened the conversation.

"Alright, not much to talk about really- well, nothing that isn't going to put a damper on the mood." Kix looked down abashedly- "What about you?"

"Oooh boy, I've got some pretty hot gossip in the mechanical department- prepare yourself, it's intense." Calliope took a sip from her drink as Kix cracked a smile- "So obviously I'm the head mechanic right? But this guy Jikk, he won't get off my case! He's always trying to tell me how to do my job!"

As Calliope ranted about the daily proceedings of her life, Kix spotted a particularly tipsy looking clone making his way towards the pair's booth. The clone stumbled over, leaning on the table.

"Hi?" Calliope raised an eyebrow.

"Hey sweetheart! What's a fine gal like you doing all alone here?" The man slurred.

"Okay- one, I'm not a 'gal', and definitely no one's 'sweetheart'- two, I'm not alone pal, so back off." Calliope stared the man down.

The clone looked undeterred- "Oh come on! Ditch the puny medic and come join the real men!"

"He's more of a man than you'll ever be dik'ut." a voice appeared behind the drunken clone- "Now scram before I report you to a commanding officer." 

That seemed to have scared him off, the clone quickly wobbled away. 

"Idiot." The voice, Jesse, muttered as he sat down beside Calliope- "Anyway, how are you two doing?" Jesse pried.

"Pretty good knowing that Kix is shouting." Calliope joked, crossing her arms behind her head.

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