[Chapter 32 - Unfinished Business]

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"What's the plan Cap?" Lenora asked Rex as the pair headed towards the Marauder. 

"We're gonna take down the Separatist fleet using Echo's intel." Rex said simply. 

"Given your short explanation, I'm guessing there isn't really much of a plan, is there?"

Rex shot Lenora a tired look, to which she huffed a laugh. It would definitely be good to get home after all this.

Lenora spotted Stellia up ahead. She had to ask her something.

"Hey, Stellia- wait up a minute."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"When we're done here- or more, when we all get some time off- do you and the boys want to come over to my place for dinner?"

"Uh- yeah, sure!" Stellia had never really been 'to dinner' before. But she was excited nonetheless. 

"Great! Make sure to ask the boys what their favorite food is, I'll try to whip something up for everyone." Lenora beamed.

Hunter had, of course, overheard the pair. Lenora wondered how much he had overheard of her and Stellia's conversation in the med bay a while back- but that wasn't important at the moment. Hunter walked over to the pair. 

"I don't know if any of us have a 'favorite food' really. We've been stuck on ration bars for the most part." Hunter pointed out.

"Speak for yourself! I love nerf nuggets!" Wrecker yelled over the bustle of the hangar. 

"That's not real food Wrecker." Crosshair pointed out.

The group continued to chatter about the dinner offer until Anakin and Echo approached.

"Tech, is everything ready?" Hunter asked.

"Yup Sarge. We are ready. Still not sure how we're gonna land on that ship." 

"Don't worry. Echo says he's got a plan." Rex reassured.

"That makes me feel so much better." Tech said dryly. 

"What do you mean by that?" 

"To be blunt-"

"When are you ever not?" Stellia yelled as she boarded the ship.

Tech sighed before continuing- "His mind belonged to the Separatists until we unplugged him. We don't really know where his loyalties lie."

"Yeah. Well, I know. Now get moving." Rex said with finality.

The rest of the group boarded the ship, ready to head off for their mission.


On the ride there, Lenora decided to partake in one of her favorite pastimes as of late, and bug Stellia with questions. 

"So where did you get the helmet anyway?" 

"I'm starting to regret having it knocked off." Stellia rubbed her temples in annoyance, but smiled nonetheless. As much as Lenora bugged her at times, it was good to have her sister back.

"You didn't answer the question!" Lenora grinned.

"I got it off the guy who taught me how to shoot a blaster." 

"What, did he not need it anymore?" Lenora asked, curious as to why someone would give up such a nice helmet.

Stellia actually laughed out loud, but then sobered when she realized only she knew why the comment was funny- "You could say that..." 

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