[Chapter 13 - Kidnapped]

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"We have received word that the separatists have advanced on a colony of pacifist togruta on Kiros. We are unsure of their situation, as the last contact we had with them was about ten rotations ago. We'll be going in assuming a hostage situation, so be cautious with your actions. Good luck, and see you on the field." Rex finished briefing the 501st and 212th in the hangar of The Resolute

Calliope and Lenora approached him as he was making his way to the bridge.

"Hey, Cap. I've managed to get all but one of the carriers up and running. The one that doesn't work for transport can be outfitted to hold a walker though." Calliope gave Rex the breakdown on her side of things. 

"Great, get the walker loaded."

"See you when you get back." Calliope nodded to both Rex and Lenora, leaving the couple by themselves.

"You ready to get back in the field?" Lenora placed her thumb and forefinger on Rex's chin, bringing his head down to hers.

"Not if you keep doing that I won't be." Rex smiled mischievously. 

"I'm serious Rex. The last time we were out was Umbara- are you gonna be alright?"

Rex grew warm at his partner's concern- "I'll be fine ner kar'ta. Are you alright? You've seemed off lately."

"I'm okay, just tired I guess." Lenora told the partial truth, she was tired- but she decided to withhold that it was due to her repeated dreams of late.

"Alright." Rex placed a kiss on her forehead- "Let's get to the bridge- I want to look over the map so we know what we're going into."


"We're making our approach sir." A trooper filled Rex and Lenora in as they approached the holotable. 

Rex nodded in recognition. Kie'sha appeared behind him and Lenora- clearly trying to be nonchalant. 

"Hey kid, what're you up to?" Rex asked the new padawan.

"I- Um- I-" Kie'sha stuttered, worried she'd done something wrong.

"Hey, Kie'sha. You alright?" Lenora put a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Y-yeah. Sorry- I don't want to be any trouble."  

"You won't be, kid. If anyone's gonna cause me trouble it'll be General Skywalker." Rex reassured. 

"It's your first mission isn't it?" Lenora asked.


"It's okay to be nervous. When I was on my first mission I got so distracted by my nerves that I bandaged a man's leg instead of his head." Lenora recounted- "Hey- I know you're studying healing right?" 


"Why don't you stick with me if things get too much? Although I do have to warn you, you might see some nasty stuff-" 

"What, like you and the Captain being insufferable?" the padawan teased.

"Hey! I'd appreciate it if my generous offer wasn't met with quite so much sass." Lenora joked- glad that she'd managed to build the girl's confidence a bit.

Obi-wan interrupted their conversation- "Apologies, I need to speak to Kie'sha for a minute." 

"All good. By the way General, I've offered for her to stick with me if things get a little too much, is that alright?"

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