[Chapter 28 - Strategy]

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The group made their way through the wild bush land of Anaxes. After trekking for a few hours they came across a smaller Separatist station.

"Not our primary target. It's an outpost. Should we take it?" Hunter asked Rex. 

"Probably easier than going around."

"All right, what are your orders? We pick 'em off from the tree line one-by-one?" 

"Actually, I was thinking we'd take a page from your book. Rush them head on." 

Hunter huffed out a small chuckle- "I like your style." 

The group rushed the base, taking out the droids with ease. All but Wrecker jumped onto the lift headed to the top of the tower. From there they leaped into action, Hunter and Siren took on a few droids at once, using their knife and escrima sticks respectively. Rex and Lenora shot down a couple droids, with Jesse, Tech, and Crosshair following suit. They made such quick work that by the time Wrecker appeared, all the droids were disposed of.

"Aawwh- is it over already? Aw man!" Wrecker complained.

The group- with the exception of Siren, removed their helmets. 

"Not bad. For a reg." Hunter almost praised Rex.

Tech made his way over to one of the desks in the room, accessing the computer. Lenora went over to check if they had any medical supplies. Rex peered over Tech's shoulder and out the window. He could make out the huge dish of the Cyber Center in the distance.

"All right, there it is. The Cyber Center." Rex announced to the group.

"It looks like the Cyber Center itself has minimal guards, about thirty droids." Tech read off of the computer- "Wait. Wait! I've got a massive signal coming in. A whole platoon of droids is headed this way." 

Hunter stepped forward- "Someone's noticed our handiwork back at the crash site." 

"Yeah. Make sure you keep an eye on those incoming Separatist forces. I want to know when they reach this outpost." Rex ordered Tech.

"You got it, Cap." Tech replied. 

"We've gotta move swiftly." Rex continued.

"We'll grab some speeder bikes and flank them from the back." Hunter offered.

"Nora? any luck with the medical supplies?" Rex asked.

"No... I kinda didn't consider that droids probably don't need meds." she shuffled her feet in embarrassment.

"Nothing wrong with checking." Hunter reassured, to which Lenora smiled sheepishly. 

"Alright, let's get a move on." Rex ordered. 


Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker took their positions on the flank. Crosshair took his on a cliff overlooking the Cyber center. Siren had disappeared into the bush on her own, all part of the plan of course. Rex, Lenora, and Jesse made their way through the bush, taking out a few stray droids. 

"Is everyone in position?" Rex called out through comms.

"Affirmative." Hunter confirmed.

"Affirmative." Crosshair announced. 

"Affirmative." Siren called in.

"Cap, you wanted to know when those Separatist forces breached the outpost. Well, they're getting there just about now." Tech announced.

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora