[Chapter 38 - Chaos]

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If the Senate was in chaos before, it had increased tenfold. Lenora, Rex, and Fives gazed on intently as Padme attempted to calm the chaos. Once the Senate had settled, they held a vote.

"All those in favor of stripping Chancellor Palpatine of his title and power, and beginning an investigation into his involvement in this plot, please cast your votes." Padme called upon them.

The poll flashed upon the projection. Lenora's heart fell deep into her stomach as the bars leveled out- "No! They can't just do that after seeing all of our evidence!"

"Nora, relax. The vote isn't over." Rex placed a comforting hand on her thigh.

Lenora bent forward as they watched the bars go back and forth. They finally stopped moving, and Lenora heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"The votes are in. We will begin the investigation as soon as possible." Padme called out with finality.

Unfortunately, the chaos was not over yet. Lenora activated her comm.

"Obi-wan, What's the situation at the Temple?"

Obi-wan's hologram appeared before the group- "The temple- the Chancellor stormed in with a hooded figure and a legion of clones." Obi-wan panted as he ran- "He- he tore through half the temple."

Lenora's heart plummeted to the point where she wan't even sure it was still in her body- "Is Kie'sha okay? Is she safe?"

"I found her with a group of younglings. They're all okay, but it looks as though she took on one of the raiders. She's lost an arm. I've run her to Kix, and she's being looked after."

Lenora's eyes prickled with tears. The group sat in silence- suddenly, there was a commotion in the Senate projection before them.

They spotted a figure entering the Senate. Palpatine. Beside him was a cloaked figure. Palpatine's voice rang out through the Senate.

"It has come to my attention that there are allegations being put forward concerning my involvement in a horrific conspiracy. I have come to explain myself."

Lenora watched as the senate erupted into concerned chatter. Her ears began to ring as she listened to Palpatine twist and warp the words of her friends. But the Senate was having none of it. She saw Palpatine's calm demeanor begin to falter. Pure, unfiltered rage came off of him in waves.

"I regret to inform you that I will not be complying with your requests. I would instead like to draw your attention to the attack that has happened right under your noses. Yes, that's right, while you have been bickering, my organisation has been successful in eradicating over half of the one group able to protect your precious Republic. The Jedi will soon fall, and so will your Republic, to the thanks of the Imperial Revolutionary Party." Palpatine paused dramatically- "The Imperial Revolutionary Party will bring peace and order to this galaxy, whether it accepts it or not."

The lights flickered and then went out. When the backup lights flicked on, Palpatine and the hooded figure were gone. The Senate fell into chaos once more. Lenora had to flick the holoprojection off. Her ears were ringing, her head spinning, her stomach reeling.

Her comm lit up again, Obi-wan appearing.

"Please tell us you have some good news." Lenora begged.

"I have some. But the rest is pretty grim, so prepare yourself."

Lenora and the others nodded carefully.

"The Temple has been cleared of any threats, and the Jedi who remain have evacuated and gone into hiding for their safety."

Lenora sighed in slight relief, but then worried- "If that's the good news, then what's the bad?"

Obi-wan looked devastated- "That hooded figure, the one that was with Palpatine- it- it was Anakin. I don't know what Palpatine did to sway his judgement, but I'm going to try to confront him. Hopefully he'll see that there's no sense in this madness."

Lenora felt as if her whole soul had been shattered, and the fragments crushed to a fine powder. Obi-wan wished them all well, and hung up.

"Nora. We need to leave. It's not safe here on Coruscant anymore." Rex urged.

It was then that there was a knock at the door. Bail entered looking fretful.

"You all need to come with me. It is not safe here anymore."

Lenora went into autopilot, grabbing whatever she could, throwing it in a bag. The three headed out the door and ended up on one of Bail's ships. Lenora felt as though she were simply floating the whole time.

In the ship they were met with quite a sight. On a medical bed groaning was Kie'sha, who was being watched over by Kix, Padme, and Chuchi. In the main room were Jesse, Tacky, Calliope, and Bail. From behind her she heard Fives inquire about Mon Mothma's whereabouts, to which Bail replied that she was choosing to stay with her family for the minute.

Lenora felt her head spin, she swayed uneasily. She was aware of Rex's hand on her shoulder before everything went black.


Lenora awoke situated on a medical bed just across from Kie'sha. She looked over into the main room to spot a new addition to the group they'd collected- a very tattered and beaten looking Obi-wan, but no Anakin. She noticed that beside him, looking even more mournful, was Padme.

Lenora felt Rex's hand stroke her head soothingly- "Are you alright ner kar'ta?"

"N-no." Lenora let the tears that had been threatening to spill out in a cascade.

Rex scooped her up gently, bringing her close to his chest- "We'll be alright love, we'll be okay."

Lenora wanted so desperately to believe him, but she just couldn't bring herself to.

"What are we gonna do now?" she asked through sobs.

"We're gonna go into hiding for now. Just us, together. We'll work in the shadows, gathering as many people as we can to our cause. We'll figure this out ner kar'ta. I swear."

Despite all that they had been through, Lenora found herself holding onto a tiny scrap of hope. They could do this, but it'd take time. Palpatine may have won this battle, but he would not win the war. No matter what, they would keep fighting. They had to.


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