[Chapter 31 - Amends]

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"How are you feeling?" Lenora asked Echo as she finished checking up on him in the med bay. 

"Strange, but I'll get over it." 

Lenora drew him in for a gentle hug- "It's good to have you back pal."

"It's good to be back." Echo returned the hug- "By the way- what happened with you and Rex while I was gone?"

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." Lenora smiled fiendishly. 

"You guys finally went public I assume?" 

"Well, yes and no. We didn't exactly announce it to everyone, but we aren't exactly subtle." Lenora chuckled.

Echo smiled, he was glad to see his friends happy.

It was then that Hunter, Rex, and Stellia entered for their promised check ups. Stellia looked around the room, checking that nobody that hadn't already seen her face was there. When she found no one, she shed her helmet. Rex came up for his check first, shedding the top half of his armor so that Lenora could do a quick scan.

"Looks like you're all clear, bar a bit of bruising." Lenora gave him a peck on the cheek and sent him on his way. 

Hunter came up next. Lenora noticed a slight pink tinge in Stellia's cheeks as he shed the top half of his armor.

"You're all good too- although your wrist looks a bit swollen, can you move it for me?" Lenora instructed.

Hunter complied, rolling his wrist around- "It's a little sore, but I can move it fine." 

"It's probably just jarred, come back if it gives you any trouble." Lenora sent him away.

Stellia was up next. Hunter and Rex looked between the pair before grabbing Echo and leaving.

Stellia shed the top half of her armor as the boys had, hissing in discomfort as she removed the pauldron from her left shoulder. 

"What's happened there?" Lenora inquired.

"Got shot by one of those droids, it was just a graze." 

Lenora peeled away a layer of Stellia's blacks to find a nasty looking gash on her lower shoulder. She sucked in a breath as she assessed the situation and what she'd have to do. 

"Now I know how Kix feels when I don't tell him how bad I'm fairing." Lenora muttered.

She worked in awkward silence for a while, until Stellia spoke up.

"Lenora- I feel like I owe you an explanation." 

"I'm all ears." Lenora didn't look up from her work.

"Well... brace yourself, I wasn't kidding when I said it's a long story." 


The day that they took me, they dragged me into some side room that I'd never seen before. I finally stopped thrashing and writhing to ask them what was going on.

"What's happening? I'm not sick! Why am I here?" 

"Your blood test revealed that your body has reacted positively to our enhancements." the doctor said simply.

"My- what?" 

The doctors explained what we'd been wondering for so long. Our project's purpose. As it turned out, we had been requested to be created by some rich old lady who's daughter was dying, she wanted a replacement. But when the old lady died, the Kaminoans were left with a bunch of unused genetic material. Rather than send Winnie off to fulfill her purpose as the 'replacement' they decided to make use of the extra DNA, so they made us.

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