[Chapter 11 - Dreams and Info Dumping]

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Alone. Lenora was alone for two painful years. 

"Nala Se, I heard that the other clones have been deployed- are you sure I can't go out with them?"

"You know the answer already."

"But please Ma'am! I've been training non-stop since-" Lenora faultered- "since I became the last of my batch."

Nala Se hummed in contemplation for a moment- "Theta-4, you understand why it would be a risk to send you out, do you not?"

"I knew, before the operation was abandoned." Lenora took a deep breath before deciding to just get it over with- "With all due respect Ma'am, the client passed like five cycles ago. You abandoned the project three cycles ago. I see no point in the continued testing of my genetics, or endurance, or any testing at all, if it is simply to further your cloning expertise. You have other subjects."

Nala Se looked taken aback at the confrontation, but nonetheless she looked over the girl, considering her point.

"I will consider your proposition." 

Lenora dashed back to her room- that was pretty damn close to a 'yes' from Nala Se. She grabbed a pack that Stellia had taken from the store-rooms years ago, throwing in whatever she could fit. The final list of items ended up being: a hairbrush, toothbrush, some other sanitary items, a water canteen, a small multi-tool (another of Stellia's stolen goods), her holopad, and finally two changes of clothes (just in case).

She sat on her bed with the bag in hand, waiting for Nala Se to come back with news. It felt like hours that she sat waiting, daydreaming about the friends she might make, the adventures she might go on. 

She would live the life she knew Stellia would have wanted her to.

Nala Se entered the room with the Prime Minister and another doctor. the doctor held a case in their hand. 

"Hello child. we have come to the unanimous decision that, with the proper training, you shall be allowed to join the other clones on the battlefield."  Lama Su announced.

"Really? I- I don't know what to say! Thank you so much!" Lenora practically tripped over her feet to shake the Prime Minister's hand. 

The doctor handed over the case as Nala Se continued for Lama Su- "In order to be safe on the battlefield, you will require armor. We happened to have some spare clone armor handy, you will have to make modifications to it, but given the extensive skill set we have instilled in you, you should have no issue with it."

"Amazing! Uh- when do I get sent off?" 

"Your capability will be tested in two rotations. If you prove yourself, you will be deployed with the first legion to request you."

That sounded to Lenora like they were trying to discourage her, but she wouldn't let the specifics of the situation deter her. She was in this for the long run.


The two rotations came and went. Lenora spent the whole time practicing every form of combat she had been taught over the years. When the day finally came, she felt ready. 

Stepping onto the platform, she donned her helmet. The platform rose, revealing a huge training facility that she had never seen. The unfamiliar terrain would pose a challenge no doubt, but she had faith that she'd manage.

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin