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My dear sister. I hope this message finds you well. 

I'm sorry.

We were too late. The Republic is still standing, but it is crumbling from the inside. Palpatine was too many steps ahead. The Jedi have been dealt a horrific blow, and those that survived have had to go into hiding. Anakin has fallen to the dark side. He and Palpatine stormed the temple, massacring over half of the inhabitants. 

But do not lose hope. Kie'sha and Obi-wan survived the attack, amongst many others. Padme and the other Senators that we put our trust in are still alive and well, and have begun planning our next move. Padme has also given birth to two healthy twins, both of whom are going to be well looked after. 

Rex and I have gone on the run, we'll be gathering any of the clones that remain outside of Palpatine's control, and with any luck, we'll be able to bring about some form of peace. 

Please, don't try to find me.

Make sure to tell the boys I said hello, and make sure to look after yourselves. The galaxy is about to become a far more volatile place. 

Stay safe sister, and remember that I will love you always.


The holomessage flickered before disappearing. A mournful tear ran down Stellia's cheek. She picked up the comm, tucking it into one of her pockets. She stood up and entered the main room of the Marauder. She felt a small hand make it's way into hers, she smiled down at the girl sadly as the pair walked into the cockpit.

"So, where do we go from here?" Tech questioned.

Stellia didn't hear Hunter's answer, her mind was too busy swirling with all of the emotion from seconds ago.

She felt so completely destroyed, and yet, there was this lingering sense of hope deep within her.

Deep down, she believed that things could work out.

They'd just have to wait and see.


Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexWhere stories live. Discover now