[Chapter 14 - Slaves of the Republic]

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"Alright, here's the plan." Anakin stood before the group that was to go to Zygerria- "Obi-wan, Rex, Lenora- you'll be disguising yourselves as zygerrian guards. Kie'sha, Ahsoka- you'll be dressing as slaves, and I'll be parading as the man who captured you." 

Lenora's eyebrows had raised to the heavens- "I'm sorry, what?"


"You're sending the two children in our group off to play slaves, where they could very well be tortured, abused, and exploited to put things lightly?" Lenora was beyond taken aback. 

"Well- I-" Anakin sighed- "Look, I don't like it any more than you do, but we have to be realistic- the zygerrians are more likely to take younger slaves." 

The whole room went silent. 

"Are you two okay with this?" Lenora turned to the girls, wanting their opinion on the matter.

"If it's going to save my people? Yes." Ahsoka said stoically.

"There's no way I'm letting 'Soka go through this alone." Kie'sha stepped forward determined, despite looking shaken.

"Alright. Everyone suit up, we'll be landing in twenty minutes." Anakin said with finality. 

"I don't like this." Lenora said when he had left.

"None of us do, but it has to be done." Obi-wan assured before heading off.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?"  Lenora asked the girls.

"Let's just get it over with." Ahsoka crossed her arms uncomfortably.

"Kie'sha?" Lenora looked at the young half-pantoran, who was looking awfully pale.

"This isn't what all of our missions will be like is it?"

"No." Lenora reassured- "If you need to get out at any point just comm one of us and we'll stop the mission and get out of here." 

"Okay." Kie'sha nodded before heading off with Ahsoka.

"Here-" Rex tossed some Zygerrian armor at Lenora- "I grabbed it for you." 


Given that no one else was around Lenora began to undress- Rex spun around instantly, his face turned a deep shade of pink. 

"Stars Rex, relax. You've seen me in less." Lenora rolled her eyes.

"I hardly think that counts, you were injured and Kix needed my help to-" 

"Just get your disguise on Rex, we don't have all day." Lenora pressed- although her voice was sprinkled with humor.

"Oh you're one to talk- I seem to recall Kix mentioning a panic on Salucami?" 

"Oh shut it." Lenora flushed slightly- "Hey could you give me a hand with the armor? It's not exactly made to fit."

Rex turned around to find a topless Lenora, his face turning even redder. He moved over as Lenora pulled the undershirt on.

"Gotcha." Lenora shot him a coy smile- "But seriously, I do need some help with this armor."

Rex picked up the armor tunic that she had gestured to, bringing it over and helping her slide it over her head, and then her chest- which seemed to be where the problem lay. After a few attempts they eventually got all of the armor on. 

"You need any help with yours?" Lenora sent Rex a cheeky wink, to which he rolled his eyes. 

"I'll be fine thanks." Rex smiled before removing the top half of his blacks- "Try not to panic."

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