[Chapter 7 - Plan of Dissent]

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When Fives cornered Lenora later that day to talk about his plan, he hadn't even had to utter a word before he got her response.

"I'm in."

"Are you sure? You don't even know what I want to ask you about, I could be planning on dyeing Rex's hair pink." Fives joked.

Lenora simply raised her eyebrows at him skeptically.

"Okay yeah it was about the other plan. Are you sure you want in though? I know Rex would kill me if anything happened to you."

"Yeah, right after he raised me from the dead to kill me for dying. Look Fives, we're getting in trouble regardless of what happens. I'm ready to face the consequences so long as I don't have to go on another of Krell's senseless suicide missions."

With that, Lenora and Fives headed to the hangar where Hardcase was sitting in one of the ships, ready to test it out. Kix loaded one of the weapons onto the side of the ship, as Fives configured the ships controls.

"Alright, okay, there. Try that out, it should be a little easier." Fives pressed a few final buttons, the controls appearing around Hardcase.

Hardcase began to raise the ship up slowly, shaking around a little, but otherwise moving smoothly enough.

"I got it." He reassured.

He immediately began swerving all over the place, crashing into a stack of crates. And then another. And another.

"Hardcase! What are you doing!?" Fives exclaimed.

"If I knew I wouldn't be doing it!"

More crates and supply shelves went flying as Hardcase tried to gain control of the ship.

"Great, this can't get much worse." Fives thought aloud.

"Don't jinx it Fives!" Lenora called over the crashing.

Just as she finished the sentence, an alarm began blaring.

"Oh great." Fives rolled his eyes into the heavens.

"Trooper. What's going on down there?!" they all heard Krell's voice crackling through the comms.

"Hey, hey, I got this." Fives reassured as he pushed the trooper at the comm station out of the way.

"Trooper! Report, trooper!"

"Uh, yes, sir, everything's fine in the hangar sir." Fives lied through his teeth as Hardcase began knocking some of the other ships off the wall. "Uh, nothing's out of control here."

"Then why have the alarms been triggered?" Krell's question was punctuated by a ship falling a little closer to Lenora than she would have liked.

"Hardcase!" She hissed.

"Eh- Uh, uh-" Fives struggled- "It's just a drill, a-a safety drill sir."

"Safety check occurs at 0600. Who authorized this drill?"

"Uuh- we are decrypting the alien hardware sir. A standard operating procedure." Fives fumbled out.

Lenora shot him a disappointed look, which was quickly wiped off her face by another ship nearly squashing her like a fly.

"That didn't work..." Hardcase struggled.

"No kidding! You've nearly crushed me about five times!" Lenora yelled at Hardcase over the comms.

Then something went wrong, because Hardcase was now firing down on everyone in the hangar.

"Who is this? What is your CT number?" Krell was still on the comm- "Trooper! Identify yourself!"

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz