[Chapter 16 - A Hand]

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{To those asking for more fluff chapters, and slightly more spicy content- ask and you shall receive ;) }


The pair made it to Lenora's room. Rex set his helmet down on her desk. 

"Stars, I am in serious need of a shower." Lenora ran a hand through her rather greasy hair. 

"Do you want me to go?" Rex asked.

"Nope, you can stay. Just don't break anything." She joked as she stepped into the small refresher just off of her room. 

Rex sat down on the bed, unsure what to do. 

"Actually- on second thought I might need a hand over here." Lenora called.

"What's going on? Are you alright?" Rex rushed into the refresher. 

"I'm fine, I just can't get the armor off." Lenora smiled sheepishly at her partner. 

Rex stepper forward, helping Lenora get the tunic over her head- "Is that all?" 

"Well, I might need some help with the rest of it- you know, because of the stitches." Lenora smiled coyly.

"Right. Because of the stitches." Rex raised his eyebrows.

He gently lifted her undershirt, turning a deep shade of red at the sight of her nearly-exposed torso. He then carefully helped remove the lower half, his heart jumping into his throat at the sight of his partner in only her underwear. 

Lenora smiled coyly again, placing a kiss on his cheek- "Thanks Captain." 

Rex tried to look away, but Lenora placed her thumb and forefinger on his chin, guiding his face back to her- "Quit being a gentleman Rex."


Rex drew her in, firmly locking his lips with hers. His hands trailed from her shoulders, finding their way to her lower back. Her hands cradled his face, tracing his cheekbones with her thumbs. One of his hands made its way to the back of her neck. They broke apart for air, but Rex did not return to her lips, instead trailing a few kisses across her cheek, as if asking for permission for what he would do next.

Lenora's sigh of contentment served as his confirmation. He trailed down the side of her neck, placing feather-light kisses. That was until he elicited a reaction from Lenora that he would certainly never forget. He gently bit down on a spot just below her ear- Lenora's breath hitched. He continued to work at it, Lenora squeezed his shoulders- words failing her. 

"Rex." she huffed out.

"Yes?" Rex removed himself.

"As much as I'm enjoying this, I really need that shower." 

"Alright ner kar'ta." 

"Oh don't try to sway me with your silver tongue, you temptress." Lenora swatted at Rex, who smiled coyly at her. 

"Wouldn't dream of it ner kar'taylir darasuum." 

Lenora turned to check her reflection in the mirror, with Rex moving up behind her and brushing her hair back, revealing his work. 

"Can't wait for Fives to spot that." Lenora sighed sarcastically, referring to a series of red spots trailing down her neck.

Rex chuckled, squeezing Lenora's shoulder- "Why don't you hop in the shower now." 

"Sir, yes sir." she mock saluted. 


Once out of the shower, Lenora was greeted with an armorless Rex. 

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt