[Chapter 4 - The General]

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The 501st learned very quickly that Pong Krell was unlike any of the other Generals that they had ever come into contact with.

As they made their way towards the outpost that they would be taking, the troopers began to wear down. They would need some rest at some point, but Krell was showing no signs of stopping for anything.

"Quicken that pace battalion! This isn't some training course on Kamino!" Krell ordered from ahead.

"The-uh new General has a way with words." Fives commented sarcastically to Rex and Lenora.

"He's just trying to keep us on schedule." Rex attempted to defend his actions.

"By raising everyone's ire?"

"Seriously Rex, this guy is bad news. He's treating us like toy soldiers, not real people."

"Either way, he's in charge and we've got a job to do. Just treat him with respect, and we'll all get along fine."

"Do you see that?" Fives pointed to something moving above their heads.

"Yeah. Ready your weapons!" Rex cautioned.

Two creatures flew towards the group, swooping in and attacking the troopers. They retaliated, firing shots at them. One of the walkers got shot down, and Tup was taken hold of by one of the creatures, screaming as he was flown away. None of the shots that the troopers made seemed to hit, they couldn't see anything in the dark shadows of Umbara. Krell then took a huge leap, taking down the creature that held Tup by hand, forcing it to drop Tup from several feet in the air, landing with a thud. He took the other creature out with ease, before turning to the troopers to scold them.

"Anyone else wanna stop and play with the animals?" he received no response- "Didn't think so. Now keep moving!"

Krell continued on. Lenora ran over to check in on Tup.

"Are you okay?"

"Yep, just jarred my ankle I think."

"Can you walk on it?"

"Just about."

"I'll check in on it when we stop next."

The journey to the outpost continued on, with the troopers' energy, and patience, wearing thin. Kix made his way over to Rex to persuade him to let them rest.

"Sir, we've been keeping this pace for twelve hours now. The men are getting worn down. We should rest."

Rex nodded and made his way up to Krell.

"General Krell, the top of this ridge will make a good place for the men to make camp."

"The men don't need rest. They need the resolve to complete the task at hand." Krell replied harshly.

"But sir-"

"CT-7567, are you reading me?"

"Excuse me, sir?" Rex was shocked at the use of his number in place of his name- or title.

"I asked you a question, CT-7567. Do you understand the need to adhere to my strategy?"

"Sir, the terrain is extremely hostile. Despite the difficulty of the conditions, the battalion is making good time. These men just need a little break."

Krell towered over Rex, glaring down at him- "Captain, do I need to remind you of this battalion's strategic mission in conquering this planet? Look back. See those platoons? Their mission is to take this city and take it swiftly. Time and rest are luxuries the Republic cannot afford. We are the key to this invasion. The other battalions are counting on our support. If we fail, everyone fails. Do you understand this? Do all of you understand this?" Krell was now right in Rex's face, practically spitting each word at him- "Now move on!"

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