[Chapter 1 - Wake Up]

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"The missions... the nightmares... they're finally... over..."


Lenora awoke with a gasp.
What was that? She couldn't breathe-

She couldn't breathe.

Choking and spluttering she grasped at the sheets.

'Calm down Lenora, what are five things you can see?' she asked herself internally.

Her alarm clock, her armor hanging on the wall, her sister's multi-tool that she'd stolen and never given back, her med pack, her favorite jacket hanging on a chair, and her drink canteen.

'Now four things you can touch.'

Her blanket, her bed frame, her tooka doll, and her alarm clock.

'Three things you can hear.'

The whirring of the ion engines, the ticking of her clock, and the gentle shuffling of the inhabitants of The Resolute.

'Two things you can smell.'

Her slightly mildewy old clothes that needed a wash (she had a bad habit of just leaving them on the floor after a long day in the med-bay) and the smell of medicine and chemicals wafting over from the med-bay, which was a few doors down from her quarters.

'Now take one sip of water.'

She took a long sip, feeling the coolness of the water stream down her throat. She hadn't realized how hot she'd gotten.

'Who are you?'

"I am Lenora. I was a part of project Theta, a cloning project long ago abandoned by the Kaminoans. My sisters are gone. I serve the republic for them, saving my fellow soldiers, living the life they should have had. I'm going to be okay." she spoke aloud to herself. 

Lenora pinched the bridge of her nose. 'What a way to start the day.'

Deciding that it was no use being alone she headed down to the mess hall to grab a bite to eat.


"Heyyy if it isn't the captain's girl!!!" Fives heckled from the table.

"Fives if you call me that one more time I swear-"

"Sorry Lena but you signed up for this when you and Rex went public!"

"We didn't 'go public'. you guys hassled us into admitting we were together! And don't go spreading that by the way- you know it could compromise Rex's position." Lenora scolded as she made her way around to the opposite side of the table, across from Fives, Jesse, and Tup.

"Morning boys, Lena." Calliope entered, taking a seat next to Lenora.

"Morning Calli" the group greeted in unison. 

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexWhere stories live. Discover now