A mission III

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*swoooosssshhhhh* gentle breeze touched my skin as I got up from my slumber. It's so peaceful here. Every where is just grass and grass and grass. Just the was I like it.

I look around and I saw nothing but just grass. I then remembered how I was pulverized by Kino. And my face dropped remembering that. "so I am dead now?" I asked myself.

"No you are not" said someone from behind me. It was like a voice of a 5 year old. I turned myself backwards to see a cute little boy standing there smiling at me. But. It was....me. I was standing infront of. But I am 5 years old. How is this possible?

"Don't worry. You are just passed out. Not dead yet" he smiled at me. As I take a step near him. "but why are you here" i asked with a faint smile and a dull gaze.

"I am here to support you" he said with a bright smile. My face lit up with a smile seeing him smile like that too. How innocent he is.

"You are not giving up on it, are you?" He asked. It caught me off guard. "Hughh" i made the sound as simply to hint I was confused. "You are not going to accept the defeat like that are you?" He asked again. "Get you and go for it. You can win" he supported me.

"I...i. I can't " i said with a sad pale face. "But why?" He asked me with a disappointed look. "because he have a powerful doujutsu. He have a byakugan. A kekegenkai. I don't have anything like that" I said with a sad face , defeat clear in my voice.

Then the little version of me came towards me and grabbed my hand. "No you have a special ability too remember?. Your ink powers. Do you seriously think that a kekegenkai is stronger than you?" He asked me. "You can do this come one. Remember our Nindo?" He asked me again. And a clear smile over my face flickered.

"Yea." I said. "I never give up on myself. It's my Nindo. My ninja way" we both said in unison as we gave a hi-five and i came into consciousness.

*Groan* I groaned as I got up trembling. "Huh. You are not dead yet" Kino said sounding disappointed. I smirked at him as blood come out of my mouth and head. I said wiping the blood of my face. "no I am not done. Maybe you don't know about my way" i said with a smirk . Kino raised a brow furrowing it in confusion as he shot a glare towards me.

"I never give up on myself. It's my nindo. My ninja way" I said weakly as he got into fighting position. I took a step closer and picked my broom up from the ground.

"I am not done yet" I said

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"I am not done yet" I said. And he dashed towards me. He came near me and try to hit me with his 8 tiagrams. But i dogged it with my speed. "not yet. Ink demon mode" I said as my face changed and my speed increased drastically along with strength and chakra too.

I continue to attack trying to land a blow on me. But I was too fast to even see. Even his byakugan was blind to track me now. I used my temporary mode that's why i was weak. Now i am using my advance ability. Complete ink demon mode. So there will be a increase of 120% in my abilities.

souls that are bound to shred *Naruto x m!reader*Where stories live. Discover now