The Past II

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"Now tell me about yourself" said Danki with a serious face. Like he really is interested in my story. I paused for a good while. Then i slightly nodded for an answer.

"My story starts from the time when i was 4 years old. And as you know Naruto is my big brother. He was always out there training. Day and night. Just traning. Sometimes he even forgets to come home. Just traning. The cause of that , is just because he wanted to overcome a boy name Sasuke. He was an excellent one. But Naruto couldn't bear to get behind his shadows. So he tried his best for it.
                              Most of the time I was lonely. Brother didn't even got much time for me. I always tried to stop him and say that be by my side. Atleast just for once. But he never listened. He never stayed. He just focused on his training.
                I was 7 when I found out this cool ability of mine where I can use Ink to defend and attack. But that sure did took one thing from me. I lost the ability to use my chakra. Then i one day met a person.....he is the master of Ink. He told me that if I try to push myself and use chakra I will die. But then he too trained me to use the Ink power properly. He was my mentor before my Chunin exams. Which was interrupted by Orochimaru. But still I was promoted to a Chunin.
                            I was 8 when I was selected as a genin. That means the not long ago. I just turned 9 yesterday though." I briefly explained my story.

Danki was surprised, shocked and serious when I was narrating my story. "Your brother is too an ass. He should have given more attention to you." He said scratching his cheek. He shifted his position and continued "tell me more. We are not ending it here"

"Yes of course " i replied.

"But before we were Genin. The villagers always saw us as some kind of out castes. Not only me but my brother too. Infact more to my brother. I don't know what's wrong with them. They just....made faces " I said

(I swear I will fix and change Danki later)

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(I swear I will fix and change Danki later)

Somehow i could see a little pity in Danki's eyes. Like he was seeing the reflection of his own in me.

"Don't be sad Danki. It was all in the past. I don't even care about it. It doesn't bother me at all" I said as he nodded for an answer. We just met and somehow I feel like safe already. And i too noticed  that he isn't much of a talker.

"We never gave up and did our best for everything. Just our best. But then it comes our last mission. Sasuke was running away from the village to go to Orochimaru for power. I don't know he knew or not. But if he crosses the boundary he will be labelled as Rouge Ninja. So we did our best. I worked as an over watch. But i barely did any work of an Overwatch. And at last when it came to saving sasuke, i just jumped in between and got my hands and a leg cut off. I was almost dead for 4 days. I guess I am lucky to even survive. But still the look that my brother and sasuke had was all it took to still creep me out." I said swallowing a big lump on my throat which was not even there.

We then stayed silent for a while. Not talking at all. Then stomach starts to ache and tickle a little.

"I am really sorry

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"I am really sorry. But guess like I am really hungry now" I said giggling nervously. A soft chuckle left from Danki. "Don't worry. Let's go and eat something" he said.

We got up from the bonfire place and walked towards an dark corridor. It was so dark i could barely see anything. "Ink creation" I said and droplets of ink gathers in the palm of my hand. It then turns into a nice lighting fire which was enough to light the corridors , enough for us to see.

"Looks like you got a really good ability there" said Danki not looking towards me. Just looking forward.

"Yea. I guess so. But it comes with disadvantages anyways. Like it requires my raw strength for this and it really tires me out" i said giving away a little information of my ability.

We then walked silently till we were standing before a particular door. Which was closed. Danki opened the door and we were welcomed with great aroma of food. My stomach growled again.

"Wow it smells so good" I said as i already starts to drool even before I can see the food.

"Calm down. Make yourself in a seat there" he said pointing towards a big table and I walked upto it.

I sat there and started to frigid with my fingers. I turned around my head here and there to see what's this place is like. There was a dragon face in the wall. Only in one wall with a particular measurement. I already know that it's a secret way to a hot spring. Only hotsprings have these type of dragons. Not gonna lie.

Then to the right of that a giant self was there. It had many jars which contains something like eyeballs. I don't know what these are. Candy ? Maybe. But they are white in colour. What they can be. Seems like eye balls to me though.

Then left of the dragon I saw before was a empty space. Clearly it is for something. And I don't know..... I am getting very bad vibes from there. Like something is there. Like down there. Could it be possible that there are some secret passage there?

Should I go ? And check it out !

I was about to get up when suddenly Danki came and kept the plates before me. "Oh.....the foods here" I said as he nodded.


Author's note:

So guys how do you all like this book till now. And yea the two images up there are my drawings. Clearly.

I thought adding some panels would be cool. I will make manga panels for this chapters from now on. Not like many. Just one or two. Or sometimes more than it. It will depend.

On and if you wonder why doesn't Mito have the Ink curse mark yet. Then here's the answer. He isn't training for it yet. I will be there by the end of the Traning Arc.

And also I have changed Danki. I mean not me. One of my friend. Glenn_radars14 this guy helped me for Danki.

Important announcement
Danki belongs to Glenn_radars14 and not me. He owns Danki.
Glenn_radars14🤡🤡. Idk why but when @ it just disappeared.
Here he is.

Bye and peace ✌️✌️

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Bye and peace ✌️✌️

souls that are bound to shred *Naruto x m!reader*Where stories live. Discover now