A new mindset

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"oh hello Rink" I greeted as I just teleported to the void of nothing. "Oh hi. What brings you here" he asks. "Nothing much but isn't there Ink in here?" I ask again. "Nope. He is on a mission" he replied looking to my eyes.

I slowly walked to him and sat beside him. "What's up" he asked. I don't wanna turn this much so let's get to the point now. "I have a question if you can answer of course" I said having doubts that he can answer but he is also my hope.

"Go one. You got all my attention" he said turning his head towards me. "You know. I can't actually use my chakra anymore. What's going on. If I try to use it , either i cough out blood or faint" I said hoping he had answers. But he took long moment of silence. I gave up on knowing what's happening.

"Oh i get it. You are talking about spiritual energy" he said fist dropping to his other palm. "Yes. You can say that too" I said.

"Well don't you know that after being an ink you will never be able to use spiritual energy ? If you don't then now you know. It's effects your soul. Don't push it , it may tear your soul apart." He explained. But i still have some doubts.

"But according to my knowledge inks don't have a soul. Infact they tear ir apart to be one" i asked. "Well you are right of course. But note one thing. Tearing it by your own and by power overload is two different things" he said scratching his cheek.

"Huh" I was totally confused now. What does it supposed to mean! "You don't get it do you kid!" He said tuning his head to other side and again starting to speak.

"You see. If your tear your soul by force you will be end up like us. You complete know that. But let's say you have powers. If you try to over use your powers it will eat up your own body and soul. Most likely or simply your physical and spiritual body. Like if you insert excessive air into a balloon it will blast. Same as it will happen to you." He explained. And this time it's more clear to me.

So this is the same as rock lee. When he tried to over do his powers he end up in the hospital with broken body. So this will happen to me to if i try to use jutsus forcefully?

"So that means I can't use jutsus anymore right?" I asked with a sad face. "Don't be idiot kid. If you can't use that type of things... You still have your own strength right?" He said.

"But how will I be able to get stronger if i can't use any type of ninjutsu. Genjutsu or doujutsu. I am doing to be weak. And at some point I will die. What will happen th-" I was cut off by Rink as he gave me tight slap. *Sigh* a long sigh left his lips.

"Listen kid. Being strong doesn't mean you need some extra powers. You can always rely on your physical strength and the rest you have. A person isn't strong with special powers. He is always strong with his own strength and abilities. If you think that you will be weak without any powers and doubt yourself then you can never place your feet in the next step. So don't doubt yourself" he said almost like giving me a lecture. But his words make sense.

"Listen. Don't you think.. Ink is strong?" He asked and quickly i answered "yes of course he is strong. He is very strong"

"What do you think. He have some special powers? No he always on his ink powers and all physical strength. He had built himself so strong that no one can cross his level. A creator level. Work hard and you will be able to achieve it too" he said and this time i became calm. This words like made me see a new path of light in the dark that fell into shortly.

I sat there a little while with no words coming out. Rink didn't bother to say anything too. Like he is waiting for me to say something or he is just want me to process what he said.

*Mph* he blew air from my nose with my lips closed and with closed eyes. That got his attention and he looked at me and so did I.

"Thank you very much Rink. Maybe with this words i would have never be able to acknowledge that I can built myself like that and still be strong." I said and pushed my lose hair back of my head. He didn't said anything other then a smile.

"Come to think of it....i never noticed your red hair....did you get it from your mom or dad?" He asked. At that moment my heart suddenly stopped for a second.

"Well i don't have any idea. I don't have any parents so i don't know" I said with a smile. "......" He stayed silent for sometime. "I-I I am sorry. I didn't knew that" he said getting up and coming near me. "it's oky. It's not your fault. Infact I never told you" I said with a closed eye smile scratching my head. "Hehe"

"Still.... I am sorry" he said with a pale sad face. I know feel guilty for asking. But this is not his fault at all. "It's okay. Oh i am going back to my home. Bye" I said waving him a bye.

"Bye kid. Stay safe" he said with a smile. and i returned his smile too. I quickly teleported to my home with my ink. "Phew. That took some time of my life" I said sitting on the bed.

So this is it. A new beginning. No ninjutsu or genjutsu or doujutsu. Just taijutsu and my ink powers. This is going to be interesting. The question is how am I going to get stronger with this only ?

I clenched my fist and punched the air. "Let's be positive and start training to get stronger" I said then my face quickly turn into "-_-"

"Well not before a nice sleep" I said jumping on the bed lying myself there and falling asleep.

souls that are bound to shred *Naruto x m!reader*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt