The first ninja mission

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We are now on the outside of the gate. With our bag packs on our back. Well I don't have one cause I have my things inside naruto's bag. Advantages of having a big brother. Believe it.

"What are you so excited about" said Sakura. As Naruto was giggling and almost jumping.
"I have never been out of the gate. I am a traveller now, believe it" he said.

"Are you sure I will be good with this kid" said the master bridge builder Tazuna. "They are with me and I am a jonin. So don't worry" said Kakashi sensei.

"You better stop with your mouth. I am a great ninja in the village. And I am going to be a hokage someday, believe it" said Naruto in anger. "Hokage are strong and wise but you are a brainless. The day you will become a hokage I will sprout out wings and fly" said Tazuna. He sure is getting on naruto's nerves. I can say.

"I will be a hokage and the one's like you will acknowledge me" shouted Naruto. "You can become hokage 100 times and I will never acknowledge you" said Tazuna with sarcasm.

I grabbed naruto's palm so that he doesn't do anything dumb.

"Naruto we talked about this. We don't attack out clients" sighed sensei. And then we started walking.

Sensei was going all about the kages. But to be honest lord third already had taught me about that. So I will be just taking in the view. After all i too have never been out of the village.

Then i suddenly saw some water puddles. Are water puddles normal on a sunny day? I thought. I decided not to say anything but I looked over sensei as he put his finger to his lips indicating me to not say anything. Maybe he too saw it.

Suddenly two ninjas came out of the puddles shredding sensei to pieces with a huge knife attached with chains which were attached to gauntlets. Sasuke quickly jumped and pinned the chains with his kunai and kicked their heads.

One of the ninja tried to attack Tazuna but Sakura got in the way and sasuke infront of her.

As sasuke was about to get attacked Kakashi sensei came out of nowhere and stopped him. But the other ninja tried to attack. But I used my black liquid projectiles and threw them into his face. That spread like ink. Well it's actually ink. I discovered it just a little time ago. Actually Naruto did.

Then the splashed ink blasted making the ninja passed out. Then the other ninja came towards me and kicked me hard behind my neck. And i slowly passed out. But not before seeing Kakashi Sensei beating him up.


"Humm..." I slowly woke up with a groan. "Hey Mito are you alright" I saw Naruto asking me with concern. I was sleeping with my head on naruto's lap. "Yea I am already nii-chan." I said getting up.

I saw were in a boat sailing in a sea. "Wow is this what people calls a sea" i asked Kakashi sensei with stars in my eyes. "Yes Mito" said sensei.

We then entered a region where there was a lot of fog. Very think fog.

"It's so foggy I can barely see" said Sakura.

"Naruto I am scared" I said hugging him tightly. "Don't worry I am here" he said. But i suddenly fell asleep again. I feel very weak from the last battle I had.


"Hey Mito Mito wake up" someone shaked me and i slowly woke up from my sleep again. "Naruto. I fell asleep" I said with apolitical eyes.
"It's no big deal. Do you feel good now?" He asked. "Yea I feel strong than before" i smiled at him. "Good now let's go" he said.

We were on the shore now. It's seems nothing alike the mist that was before. It's beautiful and there is no single noise.

Naruto was in very hig alert. He was throwing his kunai in the bushes. "Aww that was mouse" he said. "Yea. Everyone can see through your act. You are embarrassing us" Sakura shouted at him. "STOP SCARING ME DWARF" said Mr. Tazuna.

"Over there" "over there" he didn't stop throwing the kunai "Naruto those are dangerous" Kakashi sensei said.

"Over there" he throws a kunai again only to get a punch in the head from Sakura.

*Sniff* *sniff* "what are you doing" asked Tazuna. "I have very keen sense of smell. And i m catching an odd smell" i said to him that caught the attention of Kakashi sensei.

*Sniff* *sniff*

"There is something sensei" I said we ran towards the bush to see a cute bunny scared for his life while the kunai of Naruto is struck above his head. "See what you did Naruto" scolded Sakura. "I am sorry little bunny" said Naruto hugging the bunny. But this is odd. I never ever saw white bunnies in summer. They are my favourite animal and I know single piece of information. Iruka sensei taught me.

"Sensei isn't it odd for bunny to be white in this season?" I asked Kakashi sensei. "I smell something fishy here" he said. I know something is not right so I get near Naruto clenching onto his jacket holding my dear life.

"Everyone down" said Kakashi sensei. And we did so. A huge knife came and struck to a tree just above our head. It came like a spining shurikan. I didn't even saw it at first.

"Brother I am scared" I said to Naruto. "Don't be I am here" he assured me while patting my head.

Then a men with bandages showed up there.
Who is that person? I am getting the same odd smell from him. But i didn't got it from the bunny earlier. So the smell wasn't from the bunny after all. I thought.

Naruto dashed towards him but Kakashi stopped him before it. "You are on the way." Said Kakashi sensei. "But"

"He is a jonin just like me. If I need to fight him I need this" he said and uncovered his left eye to show a red eye. What is that. "Manji formation. I taught you teamwork and now it's time to use it. Protect the master bridge builder" said Kakashi sensei.

"So the Kakashi of sharingan. We have orders to kill you on sight. We have you in our bingo book. The ninja who copied about 1000 ninjutsus. We call you Kakashi the copy ninja" said zabuza.

"What the hell is a sharingan" shouted Naruto.

"It's a special ability that can see through any ninjutsu , genjutsu , doujutsu. It's an doujutsu unique that only given to my clan.. so why do he have that" explained sasuke whispering in the last.

"Yea. The boy oy scratched the surface. It's and unique ability that can see through any techniques and copy them and reflect it to the opponent." Said zabuza. "now enough talking give me the old man"

Kakashi sensei quickly used his chakra to earse the mist off.

"Zabuza momochi. The demon of the hidden mist and the master of silent kill" said Kakashi sensei. "So i was in your bingo book too" said zabuza.

"Eight points. The larynx , spine, lungs, liver, jugular, the subclavian veins, kidneys, heart. Now which will be my kill point" said zabuza.

But here sasuke was losing his control. Kakashi sensei noticed it "calm down sasuke. It's going to be alright" said Kakashi sensei.

"I wouldn't be so sure" said zabuza and appeared between us just beside Tazuna. How ever Kakashi sensei came in time and stabbed him with his kunai. But water came out of him instead of blood. It was a water clone jutsu?

Somehow i became separate from everyone and stood from them in a long distance. Zabuza grabbed my neck from behind and picked me up. Do everyone think my neck is a plaything or something ?

"No Mito" screamed Naruto and the others. Kakashi came to save me but had to stop as zabuza said "come one bit near me and i kill this brat" he said. I was choking on how tight he was holding me. "Give him back. He is my younger brother and you will not lay a scratch on him" shouted Naruto. "Oh. Or what else" zabuza provoked.

I raised my hand and slapped my palm to his face. It splashed ink over him. "leave me alone" I said and *boooommm* zabuza blasted. But that wasn't enough to take him down. I know.

"You little brat" zabuza shouted and he came to hit me with his knife. I squated down and dogged it. I target his PP and shoot small balls of ink and make it blast in him PP.

For sometime he was like '👁️👄👁️' then he screamed in pain. He got so much angry with that, that he used his full force on his leg kicking behind my head and flew towards where Naruto was but I even left him behind. "Die you brat" zabuza screamed. Slowly everything became blank. I slowly lose consciousness. My head tilted to the ground indicating i passed out.

souls that are bound to shred *Naruto x m!reader*Where stories live. Discover now