The Past

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I was sitting on a chair , bonfire infront of me and Danki after it. The orange and yellow colours radiating from the fire glows up our skin and the dark room.

We were here after a long rest. In this cave it's hard to tell if it's morning or afternoon or night. Let alone the time.

My mind was running thousands of mile per second. I asked myself again and again if this even what I want ? Revenge ? Really?

But it's doesn't matter anymore. Even if it means that I want vengeance on Naruto or not it will still result in one thing.... power. I need power. I was too weak to stop Sasuke. I don't want anyone other go to dark like that. I will gain more power. I now really understand why Sasuke wanted power out of everything.

"Hey Mito. What are you even thinking" asked Danki with a soft whisper like voice. I lift my head up to see him. My eyes were lost in my thoughts. I don't know what to even say. "Nothing" i replied trying to avoid the question. I don't want him to know about my vulnerability.

"How about we get to know each other better" he said. What do he mean by know better. We already know each other's names. So what's more? I asked myself.

"If you want so" i replied with a sigh fixing my position on the stool. Danki fixed his position too and looked upwards resting his palms beside of his back where he was sitting and supporting his body.

"You know when I was 3" he started with a deep breath and continued. "I was very weak. So much weak that no one can ever imagine to be. I couldn't even sit straight. I always flop the shurikan Traning and always was bad in my academics in the ninja academy. Where as my brother Danzo was very strong despite of his age. He can already perform several jutsus at the age of 8" Said Danki stopping for a while.

He scratched his head and looked towards me.

"He was very proud of his abilities. But my weakness always hurt his pride. He always use to beat me up whenever i fail to do anything. Sometimes the punishment can be more bad. Like keeping me hungry for weeks or breaking a bone or two. Or make me stand till I can't feel my legs anymore." He said pausing.

Huh .... that's.... that's like completely opposite of my story. Why his brother need to be so cruel. Why did he hurt Danki like that. Danki did his best if I can say. That's very bad.

"Then one day I said , enough is enough. I tranied day and night without sleeping and going to home. And finally mastered the shurikan jutsu and clone jutsu. I ran to my brother to show him what i could do now."

Flash back

Danki: Brother. Brother. See what I can do.

Danki ran towards his brother to show some tricks. Danzo turned his head towards Danki and stood still to look what he had achieved.

Danzo: fine show me what is it.

Danki performed his jutsus and showed Danzo he can finally do some tricks his brother can. But looks like Danzo wasn't impressed.

Danki: how did i do brother?
Danzo: *tsk* are you a fool. You can never be a shinobi with this level of power. You are worthless and just a burden to this world.

With that Danzo beat up Danki as for punishment.

End of flashback

Danki girthed his teeth and clenched his palm. He was angry. I can clearly see that in his eyes. I sure can see it. It was clear in his eyes.

"How can your brother do such things" i asked him. He looked towards me again and wiped a tear off his eye. "he was an ass. He didn't knew what I could have do" he said. I didn't say anything but only hear his words more.

He continued his speaking "after 5 years when I was finally made a chunin and sent to a mission to with my brother i was happy. Happy that I can finally show him how much strong I had become. I thought i could gain some attention from him. The mission was to catch the enemy who stole our secret scroll and bring him dead to the village. We searched around the forest for days. But there was no sign of that person.
                     Then after days of search we finally found that person in a nearby waterbody. More like a lake. We ran towards that enemy and started attacking him. He was strong. If not i didn't mentioned , he was a jonin. Danzo was doing well. But me. I was doing my worst. He wasn't giving me a single chance to attack. After hours of rough battle i finally got an opening point to attack that jonin. But i didn't new it was a trick. I went for the attack and the enemy sliced through my both hands. I stabbed me in my stomach and kicked me away to a long distance. I was angry with the situation where i couldn't show how better i could have done. Danzo didn't even flinched. Instead he said to the enemy that it was good thing he got rid of a pest like me." Danki explained with some breathes in the middle. He sure do have a tragic past. With that of his.

"After the battle was ended i thought they will come and get me and heal me. But no. I was wrong. They didn't even searched for me. I was sad and all. I thought I will die soon. But strong minds...... I had a strong mind and didn't gave up. I stood up somehow and walked and walked and walked. To finally reach this place called the gate of hell. Not like it's really sends you to hell. But just the darkness of this cave made them keep this name. And that's how my life was" Danki finished with a cough to clear his throat.

"Now tell me about yourself. Won't you?" Asked Danki. I paused for a long while after when I gave him a slight nod.

souls that are bound to shred *Naruto x m!reader*Where stories live. Discover now