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Chapter 39

In the reception room, Sendo, sitting like two big mountains, had been waiting for Devitt for a full hour. By the time Count Fite's throat was about to burst into flames from anger, Devitt still hadn't arrived.

Because Eve was in critical condition.

Literal as it sounded, her life was in danger, and the alarm could be heard throughout the entire research institute.

To trace back, it started from the corridor infested with zergs.

At that time, Kase ordered someone to take Mary away. Due to the contract, Mary had always been a focus of observation in the research institute and had her dedicated observation room.

However, focused observation didn't mean complete isolation. It was different from those bonded creatures poisoned and separated. On one hand, Mary was Eve's bonded creature, and Professor Lin wasn't a researcher advocating violent studies. On the other hand, Eve's parents were also very kind to Mary. So, Mary's movements were relatively free, which explained why it could easily sneak into the observation room initially.

Eve being Kase's comrade meant Kase wouldn't harm Mary. He simply had it sent back the same way. Sending it back the same way essentially meant giving Mary a hundred percent freedom. After the people left, Mary rushed out of its room, carefully holding the small pellets given to it by Wen Jin. In Mary's mind, those were pellets given by the Great Demon, capable of saving its master.

Recalling what Wen Jin had said-that feeding them could make them recover-Mary ran like the wind.

Entering the observation room was straightforward for Mary. The ventilation passage was the best entry point. Although it was small and constructed somewhat strangely with many intersecting tracks, it couldn't stop Mary, who had been fighting alongside Eve for years.

It agilely climbed into the observation room as before, quickly finding Eve's bed, and took out the carefully held medicine pellet from its palm.

Mary's paws trembled with hesitation. In the midst of confusion, it suddenly caught sight of Eve's parents standing at the door. The three exchanged glances, and Eve's parents nodded with tears in their eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Mary opened the medical compartment and gently placed the pellet Wen Jin gave into Eve's mouth. After confirming that Eve had swallowed it, Mary focused intently on the monitor next to the medical compartment.

Under the baptism of the zerg poison, the monitor for Eve clearly displayed the severely damaged and shattered supernatural core. The images showed the rampant attacks of the zerg poison on Eve's supernatural core. Under their aggressive assault, the once brilliantly glowing supernatural core now appeared dull and lifeless.

"Whoo, whoo..." After inserting the pellet, Mary kept its eyes fixed on the monitor, never daring to look away. Its small black claws unconsciously came together in a praying gesture.

Then, it witnessed the blood poison level on the monitor gradually decreasing. The zerg poison attacking Eve's supernatural core also seemed to encounter some invisible interference, starting to retreat, leaving Eve's supernatural core.

"Whoo!" Mary widened its eyes, its face filled with delight, and its little black claws squeezed tightly together.

However, in the blink of an eye, those zerg poisons that had started to retreat suddenly seemed to be stimulated, turning into sharp knives within Eve's body and fiercely stabbing her supernatural core!

Mary also felt a sudden pain in its body, and underneath it, Eve directly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"Drip, drip, drip..." The alarm next to the medical compartment sharply wailed, and the life index on the monitor began to plummet.

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