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Chapter 37

In Wen Jin's mind, Mary indeed posed no threat to him, but Cohen had no qualification to threaten him.

The word "threat" disgusted Wen Jin. Generally, once someone takes the first step, whether successful or not, there's a high likelihood of a second attempt. The prospect of repeated attempts made Wen Jin uncomfortable.

Wen Jin vehemently resisted the act of threatening. It's like someone wielding a dagger, poking around to find a softer spot. Though describing it this way might make it sound like falling from Mount Everest to the Mariana Trench in an instant, the essence is somewhat similar.

Wen Jin wouldn't allow those harboring hostility toward him to find an opportunity to exploit his vulnerability.

Three ice cones suspended in the air at incredible speed, surrounded by Wen Jin's refined spiritual power, seemed capable of cutting through the air, creating sharp openings in space. With a chilling sensation, they raced towards Cohen.

Cohen widened his eyes. The sudden appearance of the three ice cones prompted him to instinctively try to block them. However, their speed was too fast, sharp, and resolute, carrying an unfamiliar and potent power, akin to the fierce punishment of ancient gods.

As Cohen's hand lifted just an inch, the three ice cones were already in front of his chest. The sensation of tearing flesh accompanied by sharp pain instantly reached his brain.


It wasn't until the three ice cones ruthlessly pierced his heart, creating three blood holes in his body, that the word "impossible" flashed through Cohen's nearly blank mind.

Intense pain overwhelmed his entire body; Cohen couldn't even produce a sound. Turning his head, he looked towards Wen Jin in disbelief.

How could a contract beast possess abilities that could materialize and penetrate? Because of the contract? Marshal Devitt, a fire elemental ability user, was known by everyone in the empire. But these ice cones...

"Behind you!" Mary obviously saw Wen Jin's three ice cones. Her eyes, shrouded in smoky makeup, were filled with astonishment. Without asking, she leaped from the ground like a knife and slammed into Cohen.

Mary's strength was considerable; she forcefully pushed Cohen back against the wall. In the intense tremor, the ice cones penetrated even deeper into the ground, almost completely entering Cohen's body.

In that instant, Cohen's wide-eyed gaze was filled with disbelief and disgust. He had wanted to continue looking down on Mary, the beast that had just reached his knee. However, the pierced chest prevented him from standing, and attempting to raise his neck stubbornly went unnoticed by Mary. After confirming that the ice cones had fully pierced Cohen's heart, Mary immediately turned and ran towards Wen Jin.

And in order to enhance the precision of the ice cones, Wen Jin, who had suddenly rushed closer, also reacted to Mary's warning.

Behind him, the once human-like white coat abruptly lost support. The skin burst open, and black bugs surged out from inside, devouring the humanoid epidermis and pouring out from under the white coat.

"Aoaoao!" This was the first time Wen Jin had witnessed such a scene, and it profoundly shocked his fox instincts. His black beady eyes widened in disbelief - could this really happen? And did they decompose too? It was incredibly disgusting!

The wriggling mass of black bugs was truly capable of inducing an unusual sense of disgust in the fox. Wen Jin, watching it, felt an itching sensation beneath his own skin, seemingly synchronized with the rhythm of the black bugs.

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