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Chapter 31

The interstellar web has recently become unexpectedly lively, and the enthusiasm from the food street challenge surprisingly maintained for a full three days.

Initially, many were amazed that JU, a relatively recent internet sensation, could garner such widespread attention. However, upon closer inspection, people realized that things were not as simple as they seemed.

Speculations and analyses regarding the masked encounter between GQ and Marshal Devitt that night blossomed across major forums. Logical and argumentative minds presented various pieces of evidence to support their theories, engaging in detailed analyses, conjectures, and even audio comparisons. The discussions sparked a series of fervent debates.

Marshal Devitt's recovery was the most significant desire in the hearts of the Assyrian people since the Insectoid War. Consequently, these posts received immense attention.

Starting from a small following in the livestream community, discussions later transcended boundaries, with influential figures from various fields joining the discourse. Virtually, the entire interstellar web adopted an attitude of "waiting for the Marshal's return, waiting for the military to issue a statement."

Thus, this incident officially escalated into a hot topic that all Assyrians were closely following.

Among those intrigued was Guo Longtao. Initially indifferent to the food street and JU, it was only when passing by her roommate watching a livestream that she caught a glimpse of a figure on the screen and was instantly captivated.

In that fleeting moment of intuition, she quickly logged onto the interstellar web and started following the challenge. From the camera focusing on GQ to the surrounding people playing videos with GQ's voice, Guo Longtao shed tears.

From that day onward, the first thing she did upon returning home was to open the interstellar web and click into the trending topic #Today, has the military responded#.

Previously, this topic was filled with calls from Assyrian fans for the Marshal to appear and discussions about the challenge. However, today, when Guo Longtao clicked in and saw the latest livestream updates, her heart skipped a beat.

"Hahaha, not in vain did I wait day and night at the Marshal's blog. This is definitely the creature Mr. Black Mask held that night. Although it seems a bit bigger, this white bundle is the ironclad evidence, knocking on wood!"

"The little creature is so cute... but why does the name Devitt Bartleim on the livestream seem oddly funny, what's going on, haha!"

"Ah ah ah, so does that mean the speculations from that night are true? Does this signify the Marshal is truly out of danger? The creature is alive, and people are alive, right? I couldn't believe it when I heard they wanted to bind a creature; if the Marshal is really okay, I'll slap myself a hundred times every day, not missing a single one!"

"Watched the livestream but still feeling a bit surreal. Can't imagine that this cute creature exploded the big hammer. By the way, the interaction that night was really cute. It seems like the Marshal really likes this creature, but I wonder what's the purpose of this livestream?

"I also think the Marshal likes the creature, but when did the Marshal ever do a livestream? Maybe the little white creature accidentally started it at home? But if this is really the Marshal's creature, the style is really out of sync. The Marshal is super fierce; I feel sorry for the little creature."

"Feeling sorry? I've been following this since the challenge. Why do I feel like in just three days, the little white creature has gained some weight? Look at that chubby face and the little butt running around on the sofa. Already took screenshots, waiting for the Marshal's statement, hoping everything is truly heading in a positive direction."

I Heard My Fiancè Is Extremely Fierce (BL) (AI)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu