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Chapter 006

Wen Jin only infused a bit of spiritual energy, but it smoothly flowed into Devitt's body like a gentle stream. Soon, Devitt's body wasn't as hot, and the pain on his face eased a bit. However, the energy inside his body was still in chaos.

This energy was somewhat troublesome because, theoretically, Wen Jin could channel it out. For him, this small amount of energy was insignificant. Still, the problem was that the man's energy didn't match his own.

Forcing it out would have been manageable for him in the past, but now, in the environment where he could hardly get what he wanted, Wen Jin had to be cautious. His demonic core was still not repaired. If it shattered further due to additional stress, both of them could end up dead.

While thinking, Wen Jin used his furry paws to press on Devitt's belly. After a brief contemplation, he started attracting the energy inside Devitt's body using the strand of spiritual energy he had injected earlier. Wen Jin couldn't absorb it, but this energy should form a loop inside Devitt's body. In other words, this energy accumulated and caused a storm in Devitt's body due to being out of control, leading to his pain. Expelling it and allowing it to circulate would help reduce the burden at the source of the energy.

Patiently, Wen Jin redirected this chaotic energy to different channels. It was a massive undertaking since the energy in Devitt's body had likely accumulated for a long time. After completing everything, Wen Jin felt somewhat heavy. He glanced at Devitt and noticed a stark difference from half an hour ago. There was no longer that painful expression on his face; instead, a hint of relaxation replaced it, and the deathly pallor had faded.

Comparing his own exhausted state, Wen Jin felt puzzled. This didn't align with his past behavior. It was unfair to himself, especially considering the portion of spiritual energy he had given to Devitt. It was half of what he had painstakingly saved since coming here.

Looking at the empty plate on the table, Wen Jin snorted. He thought of it as a reward for the delicious meat. No, that wasn't enough. Tomorrow, he would demand even more. Today, he didn't eat enough at all!

As he thought about this, Wen Jin, who was getting sleepier, nestled into the position on Devitt's abdomen, closing his eyes. However, this posture, despite not having slept for long, made his bloated belly somewhat uncomfortable. So, after a few dozen seconds, Wen Jin boldly changed to a four-legged sleeping posture.

His current size was very small, almost like a nursing fox. It wasn't a deliberate adjustment; it was entirely due to insufficient spiritual energy in his body-an instinctive protective mechanism. The smaller he was, the less energy he needed to move around. Hence, his belly fur was a bit sparse, revealing a pink little belly that went up and down like a small drum.

However, Wen Jin had only slept for half the time when he was rudely awakened by a cold sneeze. Feeling warmth beneath him, he instinctively pressed his body tightly against that warm spot. Vaguely, as if there was a big hand from behind, Wen Jin was embraced, then turned over. He snorted and quickly felt warmth enveloping his entire body. The frozen blood started circulating.

So comfortable, Wen Jin thought, completely relaxing his paws, then falling into a deeper sleep.

The next day, Wen Jin woke up under a thin blanket. The temperature in the bedroom was just right, not as cold as the first half of the night.

He yawned and found that the person beside him had disappeared. However, his attention was not on that because he faintly sensed that the spiritual energy in the room seemed to be more abundant?

There was a sound of a door opening behind him. Wen Jin turned to look and saw Devitt.

He had memorized this difficult name during the whole day yesterday. This guy seemed to have just taken a bath? He was all warm, his hair was wet, and there were water stains falling down from his abdominal muscles.

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