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Chapter 001

The mood of the people in the Assyrian Empire has been extremely bad recently because their marshal, who was fighting the Zerg race half a month ago, got infected with the Emperor Zerg poison. Two days ago, the chief doctor issued a critical condition notice. This revelation cast a gloom over the entire empire.

The forum's post revealing hard evidence had long been buzzing with activity.

Water Dream: Oh my god, my marshal! How could he receive a critical condition notice like this? What does it mean? Is the empire completely helpless against the Zerg poison? How can this be! I beg the marshal not to have any problems, and I beg the chief doctor not to give up!

Fatty Duo: If they can't figure out a solution to the Zerg poison after so much research, and even the marshal can't be saved, does that mean Assyria is doomed?

Pig Hero: I can't help but share some inside information. My cousin works at the Genetic Analysis Center. He hasn't been home for four days, and the entire center is working overtime. There seems to be a contract beast with a gene matches to the marshal's, and they are intensively investigating.

Clever Fox: I can't believe it, a contract beast? Can someone wake me up? Are these people crazy? Although I strongly feel that we should do everything to make the marshal well, but a contract beast? What use can it have! We are on the verge of disaster, and they want the marshal to leap out of his sickbed to form a bond? Hasn't Assyria given up on this method eight hundred years ago?

Egg Egg: I would rather believe in miracles than believe that the empire's leaders would come up with such a method to save the marshal. This must be fake! Forming a bond with a contract beast means sharing life and death. The contract beast now can't be compared to those ancient ones. Making the marshal form a bond adds another layer of risk. Moreover, the mental comfort from forming a bond is practically useless. Who came up with this stupid idea!


The collapsed discussions on the Star Network extended to the planet where Marshal Devitt, heavily injured after the war, was stranded. An incredible roar shattered the morning tranquility.

"What a joke!"

In the scolding from Mark on the peak, who had been driving relentlessly for more than seventy hours without rest, he sneezed fiercely. Although the continuous high concentration driving made him a bit tired, he still pulled himself together, looked at the cage in his hand, and straightened his back.

He was in a large rehabilitation center on the planet Reebek, where Marshal Devitt had been sent after the war broke out. Initially used as a transfer station for patients with the Great Flow Disease when the war erupted, the center gradually quieted down as the frontiers temporarily stabilized after Devitt's army heavily damaged the Zerg race a month ago. The necessary transfers were completed, and there were few remaining patients.

Now, this place was guarded by Devitt's personal soldiers with strict security. Mark had undergone thorough inspections earlier. If he hadn't coincidentally encountered General Cassie leading a patrol, he might not have been allowed in.

After all the hardships, Mark finally saw his old comrade Cassie on the peak. His mood was also very excited, and without thinking, he explained why he had come.

Then, the scene just happened.

After Mark's explanation, Cassie seemed to realize that the timing and place were inappropriate. He glared at Mark and took him to a conference room inside the rehabilitation center. He looked at the electronic cage in Mark's hand with an unpleasant expression and said sharply, "Contract beast? Did you just suggest having the marshal bind a creature at this critical moment?!"

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