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Chapter 007

When Wen Jin woke up in the morning, he happened to see Dewitt coming out of the bathroom, so he remembered that direction. He vaguely noticed a lit brick under Dewitt's feet, slightly different from the others. Initially, Wen Jin thought he might be mistaken, but later, when Dewitt took him to the thermostat, Wen Jin understood. He remembered Dewitt coming out of the bathroom with his hands on the towel, and he had opened the door himself.

So when he leaped from the table, Wen Jin adjusted his landing point, intentionally landing on that lit brick. As a result, the door behind him indeed closed, leaving Dewitt outside, and Wen Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

Based on his experience, that man outside liked to handle everything himself. While Wen Jin enjoyed most things, he didn't want others to see him bathing. However, he hadn't figured out how to independently close the bathroom door, and the almost empty bathroom left him dizzy. He expected a hot spring in a wealthy household, didn't he?

Standing perplexed for a moment, Wen Jin hesitated, feeling a bit challenged. The desire for a bath was strong. Jumping onto the sink, he suddenly stopped at a position, his ears twitching as if he heard something. The next moment, the walls around the sink moved, and a jet of water caught Wen Jin off guard.

"Ah-choo!" What was that? So cold!

In that instant, Wen Jin instinctively tilted his body, and the water jet hit him, stinging and chilling. Unable to resist, he almost slipped off the sink. Instinctively activating his spiritual energy to cast a spell, someone faster than Wen Jin opened the bathroom door with a "bang." With hurried footsteps, a large hand blocked in front of Wen Jin, separating him from the water jet.

Wen Jin, with closed eyes, felt his entire body stiffen as he slightly raised himself, ears listening intently for any other sounds. After confirming no other noises, he opened his eyes and met Dewitt's deep gaze. Dewitt seemed a bit displeased, lips tightly pressed into a straight line. Under this gaze, Wen Jin felt a bit uneasy. He hadn't expected the walls to suddenly spray water, and his defense was indeed late. Since coming to this world, spiritual energy was scarce, and he conservatively used every bit. So, whenever he didn't sense a dangerous aura, he subconsciously suppressed his intention to cast spells.

"Ah, ah-choo." No, it's not my fault; it wanted to spray me! There must be a wall spirit in here!

Under Dewitt's scrutiny, Wen Jin reluctantly called out twice, feeling guilty. After calling out, he ignored the man, feeling quite puzzled. He just wanted to take a bath alone, and now this happened.

Moreover, during the first spray, he couldn't dodge in time, and water got into his eyes. Now they were stinging. Wen Jin blinked, suppressing the discomfort, turned around, and licked the area where the water had hit. It stung a bit. The water hit him right in the abdomen, and it was cold, which he disliked.

Thinking of the man mentioning he was a fire-type esper, Wen Jin couldn't help but sigh silently. Did this guy use ice-cold water even for bathing?

Sigh, it's really cold.

Feeling the chill seeping into his fluffy fur, the little fox shrank his head and sneezed. Seeing this, Dewitt couldn't help but sigh silently, then reached out and touched the fox's fur. His warm hand landed on the fox's belly.

"Don't do this in the future. Most of the buttons in the bathroom are invisible. If you accidentally turn on the hottest setting, you could get scalded."

Dewitt paused a bit on the words "scalded."

"Ah." Why does a bathroom have to be so complicated... Well, it feels nice.

Wen Jin, enjoying the just-right temperature set by Dewitt, relaxed his body again. The warm water flowed over him, relieving the tension from the earlier cold water. His fur laid smoothly on him, and Wen Jin, feeling extremely comfortable, didn't want to move. He simply flipped over on the sink, lying on his side, letting Dewitt groom his fur.

Dewitt clearly wasn't familiar with the optimal temperature for the little fox, so he cautiously adjusted it back and forth for a long time. Seeing the little one becoming more comfortable and the visibly relaxed body, Dewitt finally eased his worry. Originally, he planned to wait for the specialized bath liquid for contract beasts to arrive before bathing the little one, hence suggesting they eat first.

However, since the fox couldn't wait and wanted to bathe, it wasn't a big deal to rinse without the bath liquid first.

While contemplating this, Dewitt reached out and gently rubbed the dirty ears of the little fox. Fox ears were quite sensitive, and washing them required care to avoid water entering.

Initially uncomfortable when Dewitt touched his ears, Wen Jin was still haunted by the memory of the forceful water spray. He shook involuntarily but quickly relaxed as Dewitt's movements made him feel at ease.

Hmm, that's it. It's a bit itchy; scratch it... Yeah, the fur at the back is a bit heavy, probably collected a lot. Too dirty, it must be cleaned thoroughly.

Wen Jin squinted his eyes, swaying his ears, lying on the sink, enjoying the pleasure of being bathed. The ear-cleaning part unknowingly stopped as he felt the large hand touching and washing other areas of his fur. It was surprisingly comfortable until Wen Jin suddenly felt something was off.

"Ah!" The little fox, who had been enjoying first-class service, suddenly opened his eyes, twisted his body, and noticed that the large hand had somehow reached his tail.

"Ah-choo-choo!" Down there is his butt!

Wen Jin shook his fur vigorously, forcefully shaking off Dewitt's hand. Then, with black-bean-like eyes, he stared at him accusingly.

"What's wrong?" Dewitt, unaware of the situation, was puzzled by Wen Jin's glare. "Did I use too much force?"

"Ah-choo-choo-choo." I don't need you to wash there! Wen Jin dragged his large tail behind him and shook it forcefully, clearly expressing his unwillingness to continue.

"Don't want to continue?" Dewitt frowned, "But the hind legs..."

As he said this, Dewitt seemed to suddenly realize something, and an intriguing expression appeared on his face. "You don't want me to wash the back?"

"Ah-choo-choo-choo-choo!" Saying it so explicitly! Letting you wash the front is already good enough! Wen Jin thought, moving to the nozzle that Dewitt had placed to the side, casually rinsing his butt. Then, in a swift 360-degree rotation, all the water droplets on his body rapidly flew to every corner of the bathroom and all over Dewitt.
Having finished shaking off the water, Wen Jin was blissfully unaware of anything unusual. With a satisfied expression, he gracefully leaped off the sink. All four paws landed on the absorbent mat at the door. He leisurely cleaned his claws on it, then returned to the room.

Meanwhile, the novice marshal, experiencing bathing a contract beast for the first time and having no understanding of the post-bath condition of a furry creature, was completely baffled. In that moment, he felt a strange sensation. After carefully and painstakingly helping the little one bathe, the other half-resisted him, refusing to let him touch his butt or tail. To top it off, he shook off water droplets all over him.

The water was clean, but it was mixed with a bunch of white fur recently shed from the little fox's body. Dewitt lowered his head, casually picking out several wet hairs from his chest and abdominal muscles. Finding that the picking seemed endless, and realizing he had some on his face too...

Recalling the clothes the little fox had completely torn off last night, Dewitt inexplicably thought of the four words "always discarding" in his mind.

Wen Jin, having taken a fragrant bath, happily shook off again after leaving the bathroom. Then, jumping on the bed, he rolled around joyfully, remembering a top priority - the breakfast that Dewitt had promised him!

Thinking about it, Wen Jin was about to run back to the bathroom to inquire when suddenly there was a commotion at the door.

Is it breakfast?

Excitedly perking up his ears upon hearing the noise, Wen Jin jumped off the bed and rushed to the door in great anticipation.

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