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Chapter 25

Wen Jin's consecutive claws had just swung for the second time when Devitt caught them. Devitt turned his head, meeting Wen Jin's explosive anger. Squinting his eyes, he wondered who had spoiled this little fellow to behave like this, frequently extending claws to attack people.

Pinching the soft claws of the little fox, Devitt thought for a moment and then decided to hug the little fellow into his arms. He curved his finger, lightly scraping the fox's nose, and asked, "What exactly do you want?"

Wen Jin found himself belly up after being embraced, feeling a warmth on his nose. Subconsciously, he stuck out his tongue to lick it. Sensing the man's fingers still dangling on his face, he remembered what happened earlier and felt a bit unhappy. Therefore, he lifted his chin and bit Devitt's hand, sharp teeth nibbling on it a couple of times.

But when his gaze swept over, he discovered that the man's attention was unexpectedly still on JU in the distance.

Wen Jin's body stiffened, unable to hold back, he bit Devitt's hand hard.

This time, he exerted no restraint at all. Watching as two indents were left on the fingers, and a bit of blood oozed out, the man's brows furrowed. When he lowered his head, Wen Jin had already turned over with an annoyed face. His ears drooped behind his head, his usually playful big tail was motionless, and his face was full of displeasure.

Before Devitt could speak, a surprised cry came from beside him, "Hey, isn't that GQ? The one with the black mask, I saw him during the curvature flight ship incident!"

"Yeah, yeah, I saw him too at that time! The one with the black mask and a white beast. Why is he here? Wait a minute, he broke J God's record before, and now that J God is here, he's here too. Could it be that he's challenging J God?"

"Maybe, maybe he's a fanatic fan. Likes J God, challenges his records everywhere, and then attracts attention...?"

"It's possible. The news that J God is coming has been out for a long time, and surely everyone knows. Also, if it's not the case, why does this person keep holding onto J God? Don't you know, he broke J God's first record!"

Discussions arose around, Devitt frowned slightly. At the same time, on the stage, JU also noticed the commotion here, and his gaze fell on Devitt.

Devitt's aura was just too strong. The physique below S-level 3 was astonishingly robust, and the aura exuding from him was enough to easily captivate a large group of people. Devitt needed almost no maintenance; his body would forever remain in the most perfect state. When they came to the food street, they temporarily changed into casual attire. Devitt was wearing a very ordinary sportswear. Although the fabric looked loose, it could outline his sturdy muscles perfectly. Unlike the exaggerated fitness masters, each fraction of Devitt's muscles carried a fatal temptation.

Although his face was hidden behind a black mask, those deep-set eyes and the sexy bulge on his neck still made many people intoxicated.

For example, a few girls who were discussing whether he was the GQ who broke five records just now couldn't help but stop and look at Devitt. Then, they unanimously swallowed saliva and commented, "Seems very powerful," "Nice figure," "Always feel like he's handsome." The second wave of discussion emerged.

JU narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing Devitt from head to toe for a while. Then he turned to the well-dressed man beside him and asked, "Who?"

The man beside him pushed up the glasses on his nose, and behind the exaggerated mask were a pair of sharp ears. Lowering his head, he tapped on something at the end of his arm. After two seconds, he whispered something in JU's ear.

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