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Chapter 36

In fact, Kase wasn't entirely wrong.

Wen Jin's speed had always been fast, unaffected in the slightest by his slightly plump physique. After all, he used to be a fox that could leap several miles, and now, this weight was nothing. Only those noisy humans would always call him fat upon seeing him.

Four short legs rolled forward in the air like little wheels, madly advancing at the speed of light. It was the kind of full-speed mode! During the run, Wen Jin's entire face was tight, as if he had applied a tight mask. All the flesh was blown to the back of his cheeks, and anyone seeing him like this wouldn't dare call him fat.

Another turn, Wen Jin squinted, exerted force with his hind legs, leaped forward at high speed, and then his front claws directly stepped on the head of the brown guy in front! The hind legs quickly followed, and the four white furry claws landed incredibly accurately in the same spot, creating a depression in the fur on the guy's head!

In fact, from the angle just now, the round tail that had been provoking him should have been the best foothold. However, things like stepping on tails were too indecent in the world of demonic beasts. Wen Jin wasn't that kind of fox.

So, without even thinking, he directly filtered out this option.

After Wen Jin landed stably on the opponent's head, his hind legs retreated a bit, and then his entire body's center of gravity lowered-

This wasn't child's play at all. The power of a whole box of small jerky manifested instantly, and it could truly be said to be treating it as if it weighed a thousand catties.

The guy who was stepped on felt a bang in his brain, as if it had directly crashed. Everything went blank, and the whole beast was stupefied. Pulled by Wen Jin's force, his jaw almost directly knocked on the floor, and the forward running movement abruptly stopped under this oppressive force. He looked at Wen Jin, somewhat dazed, who had jumped in front of him.

It was also at this time that Wen Jin could clearly see the other's appearance.

The head was round and flat, narrower at the top and wider at the bottom. Most of the fur on his body was black-brown, and the fur near his eyes was all black, like two tilted eggs. The round black fur above the eyes and below formed a white fur line, which could be considered quite artistic.

There was also a white little apron hanging around his neck. In Assyria, if a demonic beast had human attire, it basically meant it had an owner.

However, this beast seemed a bit haggard. Although the strong body didn't show it much, the dull fur color formed a significant contrast with Wen Jin's shiny coat. It looked like it had been seriously damaged in some way.

"Howl!" After a rough glance, Wen Jin roared at the opponent, wagging his big tail behind him. He squinted his eyes, looking at the demonic beast in front of him.

Thinking about running away, what's the point of running away? It's quite normal to look like this. It's not like he's so ugly that he can't be seen by people, making him chase after him for so long. Besides...this guy seems a bit solid, different from Wen Jin's solid. If compared to humans, it would probably be like Kase's solidity.

No matter how you look at it, it seems like a male similar to him. Indeed, the tail-wagging from earlier was provocation. However, even if it's a female, Wen Jin isn't particularly interested. Chasing after him so suddenly, it's purely the temptation of round things to demonic beasts, just like how Wen Jin, who wasn't afraid of the cold, liked playing with ice balls when he wasn't afraid of the cold.

And although when he roughly saw it just now through the experiment lab's large door, Wen Jin can guarantee that the tail of the sturdy guy in front of him has a particularly good curvature. It's perfectly round, very suitable for carrying back as a pet to play with.

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