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Chapter 005

Although Wen Jin grew up in the mountains, he was quite particular about his food. Moreover, he didn't like to eat in unfamiliar environments, driven by the instincts of a beast, even if he didn't mind being observed by so many people.

With this in mind, Wen Jin's gaze shifted to an empty white plate nearby. His eyes lit up, and he bit into the meat, extending his paw to pull the plate closer. However, whether due to the slippery table or an incorrect force, the plate was slapped even farther away.

Unable to reach it with his paw, Wen Jin grew anxious. The meat in his mouth nearly slipped away. He exerted force with one paw to reach out, but the other one wasn't steady, and the whole fox tumbled onto the table. At that moment, Wen Jin's mind exploded because, as he fell, he felt his ears seem to touch some thick soup...

For a moment, Wen Jin forgot about the plate. "Awoo awoo awoo!" What was that thing? It's still dripping!

The nearby soldiers who were initially considering helping were astonished. They didn't expect this white little ball to know to use a plate to hold meat. They were all dumbfounded and inexplicably wanted to stop and see how this little ball would solve the issue with the meat. Only Mark reacted, reaching out and pushing the plate directly in front of Wen Jin.

Coincidentally, the table Wen Jin climbed onto was the one Mark was sitting at.

Wen Jin, still struggling with the soup on his ears, looked a bit dull. The wet, warm, and somewhat sticky sensation made the usually clean Wen Jin a bit uncomfortable. So, when he saw the plate placed in front of him, he was slow to react. Subconsciously, he glanced at the man who pushed the plate towards him. This man's scent seemed somewhat familiar...

Wen Jin was stunned, wait a minute, isn't this the guy who brought him to form the contract!

Wen Jin immediately clenched his teeth, almost dropping the meat from his mouth. Mark, still oblivious, was even prepared to take out a handkerchief to wipe his ears.

Mark and the ordinary soldiers had different feelings about this fox. Others might only think of it as the Marshal's contracted beast, but in Mark's eyes, it was the one he brought. He had seen the little fox's weakness all the way here, and now seeing it run around happily, he felt quite comforted.

Still biting the meat, Wen Jin, who was finding it inconvenient to bare his teeth, squinted his eyes, emitting a dangerous light. Seeing that the hand was getting closer, Wen Jin was thinking about how to bite down on it when the hand was intercepted halfway.

"I'll do it." Devitt's deep voice appeared in Wen Jin's mind. The soldiers around, who were whispering before, instantly fell silent. They straightened their bodies, and the sounds of addressing the Marshal echoed one after another.

The plan thwarted, Wen Jin harbored anger in his chest, released the meat in his mouth, and was about to pounce. However, Mark's hand, protected by Devitt, blocked him just right.

He directly picked up the unsteady little fox, hugged him tightly, and took out his handkerchief to wipe the fox's ears stained with soup. Faced with the fox's resistance, he remained silent. Using chopsticks, he picked up the piece of meat bitten by the fox and put it on the plate. After completing everything, Devitt reached out and touched the fox's head, "Good boy."

After touching Wen Jin, Devitt's dark eyes brightened. He didn't quite understand why Archie liked to touch his bird's head in the past. Now, with his own fox, he quickly began to master this skill.

Not just good to touch, but extremely good to touch!

"Awoo!" Good, my foot! Unlike Devitt's satisfaction, Wen Jin was almost furious. Seeing that neatly dressed man looking at Devitt with an admiring expression, Wen Jin felt like a sacrificed fox, itching to scratch that man's face.

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