This place provided food, shelter, and other basic necessities, and that was all Aizawa wished for. Call him minimalistic, but this was what Aizawa hoped for when looking for a house in Musutafu.

And another thing to notice, was a cat who spent most of his time sleeping, just like his owner.

Y/N was in a ground, looking around, when a voice comes from behind.

Aizawa: I’ve seen you are experienced with swords?

He sees that Aizawa was in his usual hero costume as he walked towards Y/N. 

Y/N: I am. Why?

Aizawa: Show me. Take those Kendo sticks, and try to strike me.

Y/N: You want me to strike you while you hold nothing to defend yourself? You really think that low of me?

Aizawa: Don't be foolish. You may be experienced in swordsmanship, but battle experience is what really matters in a fight.

Aizawa: You can learn thousands of forms and attacks, but you'll be overwhelmed if you’re incapable of implementing them in situations where it's do or die. Lesson one. NEVER underestimate your opponent. A tiger will always devour a deer, but an unexpected stampede from a herd of deers can bring the predator to it's dying breaths.

Y/N: Right.

He takes the sticks and takes a stance. 

Aizawa: Nice and firm stance. Now come at me.

Y/N runs at Aizawa, as he does a thrust attack by putting the two swords side by side in front of him and charging forward.

Aizawa lazily jumps over him and smacks Y/N on the top of his head.

Y/N: Ow?

Aizawa: You manage to graze me, we move on to the next training, if not, you get a smack on your head.

Y/N nods, as he dashes at him once again, trying a feint thrust and then a double strike with the Kendo sticks.

But once again, Aizawa fluently dodges the attacks and pins Y/N down on the ground.

He taps on Y/N's forehead and starts to speak.

Aizawa: You aren't clear in here. You're charging in with a good technique, but you aren't thinking about how the opponent can counter your attack. While attacking, you must think of how your enemy can counter and prepare another counter to it while attacking. That is what separates a good fighter from a good battler. There's a huge difference.

He gets up and helps Y/N up.

Aizawa: Now. Come at me once again.

Y/N cracks his neck, as he runs at Aizawa.

Endeavor: A quirkless person trying to be a hero is a fool's errand. You can't be a hero unless you have a quirk. Quirkless heroes exist, but only in comics and the imagination of others.

Y/N: He's so strong... So cool... No matter how many villains show up... He beats them all... He always wins... And never cries... Mama... Do you think...? I can still be... Like him...?

Y/N is met with a kick from Aizawa in the face.

Aizawa: Zoning out will never help you. Now get up and try to clear your head first.

Y/N gets up, as he sits down and closes his eyes.

Aizawa: Calm your mind. Focus on your breathing. Try to feel your heart pumping, your pulse pulsating. Feel the air vibrate through your ears and try to get a better knowledge of your surroundings.

Aizawa: Once you do that, you will feel your senses heighten up and your strength increasing.

Y/N takes a deep breath, as the quiet surroundings make his heart beat get louder in his ears till he could hear the blood pumping.

Endeavor: A quirkless person trying to be a hero is a fool's errand. You can't be a hero unless you have a quirk. Quirkless heroes exist, but only in comics and the imagination of others.

Y/N suddenly grabs something near his face, and opens his eyes to see that it was Aizawa's leg, and it seemed that the pro was about to strike Y/N with a kick to his face.

Aizawa: Good. Now try to maintain this state while trying to strike me.

Endeavor: A quirkless person trying to be a hero is a fool's errand. You can't be a hero unless you have a quirk. Quirkless heroes exist, but only in comics and the imagination of others.

Y/N: Yes sir!

A/N: AAAND, chapter 24 done!

Hope you guys liked it,

Till the next time,


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