Flash ~K

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Luke: CALUM the hot new guy is in my lunch

Calum: dude no fair!

Luke: Yeah he's super cute :-)

Calum: What's he look like? I haven't seen him yet

Luke: um well his hair is like red-ish....

Calum: -_-

Calum: you suck just take a picture or something

Luke: he'll see me though!!!

Calum: just be quick

Luke: but ):

Calum: no butts Lucas just take the damn picture

Luke nibbled on his bottom lip as he glanced over to where the guy sat, which happened to be only a table away. The mysterious person was alone, yet he didn't seem the least bit bothered by it. Eating his pizza in silence, the red haired boy received a lot of curious stares but no one approached him. Luke didn't blame them though.

His eye brow and ears were pierced. Pale arms where inked with different tattoos, along with a few on his fingers. He had this smug smile hinting at his lips that gave him a kind of arrogance. The whole aura of the boy was nothing short of intimidating.

Yet Luke was feeling himself become more and more captivated by the minute.

The blonde quickly closed his messages and opened up the camera app on his phone. He tried to make it seem like he was scrolling through something while attempting to get the lens to focus. Luckily, no one was paying attention to him even though Luke was making it obvious with his nervous glances thrown around the area. Before he could second guess himself, Luke pressed the button.

Unfortunately, he neglected to notice the flash was still on.

The blonde let out a rather odd shriek as he saw the light practically blind his target. A couple of nosy people turned their heads, but quickly lost interest.

However, Luke had managed to capture the punk boy's full attention. His bright green eyes locked with Luke's horrified blue ones. He quirked an eyebrow up at the reddening blonde, who he thought was rather adorable with his frightened expression.

Luke had absolutely zero idea what to do so he stayed frozen, praying the ceiling would collapse and end his total embarrassment. After a few more moments of watching the raven haired boy trace his eyes over every inch of him, Luke diverted his gaze to his lap.

Tears pricked behind his eyes. He's done some pretty stupid things before, but nothing this humiliating. Luke was so focused on his fidgeting fingers that he didn't notice a person sliding into the chair next to him.

"If you wanted a picture so badly you could've just asked." The new, unfamiliar voice made Luke jump. He snapped his head up to find the mysterious punk sitting much closer than needed.

Luke's heart had ignited into a fury of fluttering while his face flushed. "I-I....I'm r-really sorry." He stuttered, wanting nothing more than to disappear right then and there.

A chuckle bubbled from the stranger's lips while he continued to examine Luke closely. "What's your name, beautiful?" He asked casually.

Luke nearly dropped dead right there as his heart shot to his throat. "Luke." He almost whispered.

"I'm Michael." The older said, stretching his hand out in front of him. Luke shyly gripped it, goosebumps forming on his arm when their skin came in contact.

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