All I Wanted ~Kay

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A/N: this is extremely short.. Just a small little thing I whipped up. (Like 200 words)

And I highly recommend you listen to the song while reading this xx


"Come on Michael don't leave me--don't leave me!" Luke sobbed as his grip tighten on his boyfriends wet, unresponsive body.

The crimson tinted water splashed around the two teenagers as the blonde desperately, stuck his fingers down the elder boys throat. He let sobs rack through his body as his tears acted like a waterfall, cascading from his icy blue eyes.

He tried screaming out, trying to catch the attention of anyone, anyone who could save his world... Save his world from leaving him so suddenly. Luke knew it was useless trying to call for help. Michael wasn't breathing when he came in and found him barely floating in the blood stained water.

"M-michael... please..." He rasped out as he held the cold lifeless body to his chest.

He couldn't tell if he was shaking from fear or the fact that he was still sat in the freezing cold water that had managed to turn his lovers once perfectly red plump lips, an awful grey color.

"Don't l-leave me said you'd never leave me!" He cried out in pain, wanting this all to be some sick twisted nightmare.

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