Beware The Dog ~B

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'hey Luke, come here for a second.' Michael called from across the cafeteria.

'fuck off.' i said with an eye roll as i continued to walk with my friend Calum to our lunch table.

'what's his problem with you?' Calum asked.

'beats me.' i said with a shrug as we sat at our table and began to eat.

ever since freshman year Michael Clifford, the biggest douche rugby player ever, (a/n michael as a rugby player literally makes me want to have his babies more than i already do) has been nothing but mean to me and i honestly have no idea why. i never once said anything to him or even had a class with him but then one day i was walking in the hall and he just came up to me and said that i was his new toy or some stupid shit like that and ever since he's been bullying me but lately it's been getting weird. he's been acting more sexual to me and honestly it could be his sick way of thinking that he's embarrassing me or something but in reality he's the one who looks like an idiot because i'm gay and he thinks that saying little things to me will make me snap or something or make try to do something to him.

'maybe he likes you.' Calum suggested and i almost choked on my pizza.

'yeah okay Calum that's it thank you for cracking the code as to why he's been a huge dick to me for two years.' i said with a loud scoff as the bell rang

'yeah you're probably right.' he said as we got up.

'well that's just rude.' i said with a fake gasp as we continued to walk to class. as we were walking Michael was walking in the opposite direction and of course he spotted me and immediately walked faster to me.

'hey, Lukey.' he said with an evil smirk.

'go away clifford' i said annoyed.

'oh Luke, when will you confess your love for me?' he asked putting his arm around my shoulder.

'when you drop dead.' i said with a smile as i pushed his arm off me.

'you're so feisty, i love it.' he said with a chuckle and i just walked faster but he did the same.

'come one, you don't have to leave so soon.' he said stopping in front of me causing me to hit his body.

'just leave me alone.' i said as we were now the only two in the hall since Calum's class was on the opposite side of mine from lunch.

'why would i do that?' he asked.

'what do you even want with me?' i asked looking into his large green eyes.

'i don't know, you seem cool and you're so pretty.' he said as he ran his hand over my cheek sending chill up my spine.

'oh shove it Michael.' i said as i rolled my eyes.

'ooh say my name again, it's so hot coming from you.' he fake moaned.

'you're revolting.' i said as i pushed him off me and waked to my class leaving him behind and leaving me confused.


the next day he was worse and more annoying if that's even possible. he hasn't left me alone since i walked into school and i really wanted to just snap at him but i know i have to control myself.

'Luke, really, just confess your love me and we can go fuck in the janitors closet and get it over with.' he had said as he walked up to me while i was on my way to my class.

'go away Michael.' i said with no emotion.

'but i feel like you don't want me to.' he said.

'and why is that?' i asked annoyed.

'because you have a crush on me.' he said as if it was the most obvious fact in the world

'really? you honest to god believe that i have a crush on you?' i asked stopping and looking at him.

'yeah, i mean who wouldn't?' he said as he gestured his hand up and down his body as a way to look at him.

'well let me tell you something Clifford, i do not and will not ever like you, okay? you are obnoxious, stupid, smell like i don't even know what and all your little tactics to get someone to like or whatever it is you are trying to do is annoying and make me dislike you even more that i already do so leave me alone and have a great fucking day.' i aid as i turned and walked away annoyed as ever to my class. he must have been shocked but i didn't care, he needed to know.

after that i didn't hear from him at all and i was so happy about that, he finally got the hint that i don't like him. i walked into lunch and sat down with my friends at our table and it was unusually quiet.

'hey guys, what's up?' i asked looking around the table.

'what did you say to Michael?' Liam asked.

'i just told him how i felt, i mean he wouldn't leave me alone.' i said with a shrug.

'i only ask cause he has been really quiet and someone even said he was crying the bathroom stall.' he said.

'that can't be true, he doesn't cry and plus i didn't even say anything that bad.' i said as i started to open my milk carton.

'well i'm just saying what i heard.' he said and i didn't want to talk about this anymore. i looked around the cafe and spotted Michael sitting with his friends and instead of laughing and making sexual faces at me he was quiet and staring at his pizza, not eating it.

i'm sorry but i could not have made him that upset, there has to be another explanation.

after lunch and few classes of people giving me dirty looks i spotted Michael at his locker and made my way over to him.

'hey.' i said as i made it to him.

'i left you alone like you asked so what do you want?' he asked as he put some things away in his locker.

'you were the one who harassed me and now i am some bad guy, i'm sorry for whatever i said that really upset you.' i said.

'it's fine, i don't care, you were right anyway.' he said as he closed his locker and walked away from me.

what the fuck.


sorry ik it's been forever but i've been so damn busy with college and trying to keep up with all my other shit on my personal account cX

Love You

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