Confidence Killed the Cow~bri

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The tense pilot hastily ran is sweaty palms on his pants legs while walking around in a small circle thinking of all the things that could go wrong. You see this was a special day for him; a special day indeed. Today was the day Luke Hemmings a pilot in training was going to fly a plane full of passengers for the very first time. Lets just say he was a bit uneasy while thinking of things that could possibly happen. He had one hour until the flight was set to take off which means one hour to pull himself together.

Halfway across the airport sat a sad an lonely Michael Clifford at the airport bar. Who would even allow a bar at an airport? That's a hazard. Michael sat drinking away his sorrows in cheap whiskey waiting for his flight to be called. Right now he was supposed to be having to time of his life with his fiancé Calum and best friend Ashton in Las Vegas. Instead he found out that his soon to be husband was cheating on him with his best friend. Needless to say he won't be getting married anytime soon.
The black haired boy shifted in his seat lifting his head up slightly as a tall blonde sat down next to him with a ragged sigh resting his head in the palm of his head.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Normally the green-eyed boy wouldn't be this straight forward, but due to his slightly drunken state all bets were off the table.

"Uh... I'm fine I guess? I just need to calm down a little." The blonde awkwardly said lifting his head up meeting the eyes that belonged to Michael.

"Here, It looks like you need these more than me." Michael mumbled moving the last three shots over to Luke which made the younger lad look at him confusedly. The pilot in training was about to deny them when he was cut off by the now single man sliding the shots closer to him. Giving him a look that said he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Soon enough Luke had downed the first two shots and was calming down a little. Though he couldn't keep his thoughts on just one thing.

"So what is a pretty boy like you doing sitting alone at a bar drinking crappy alcohol?" It seemed as if the whiskey had given Luke a sudden burst of confidence while Michael was now sat with his head facing the ground trying to hide his cheeks that had now started to glow pink from Luke's comment.

"My fiancé cheated on me with my best friend." As he said this it felt as if reality was repeatedly slapping him in the face and mocking him for his failure of a love life. This earned a low whistle from Luke as he thought about what to say next.

"My mom used to tell me that if someone has seen you at your worst and best they're a keeper, but if they've seen you at both these points and they make you feel your worse then they're not the one. This is why you keep your heart on your sleeve and watch out for
pick-pockets." The black haired boy just let the words sink in as the other down the last shot making a weird squealing noise as the alcohol burned his throat.

"But, between me and you I'd never cheat on such a pretty little thing like you." He said glancing down at his watch.

"I never thought I'd be taking advice from some random blonde at an airport bar." Was all Michael could manage to say. Numbly staring at the bottles of alcohol behind the counter.

"Well, I better get going. I have a plane to fly. And, thanks for you help calming me down. I probably wouldn't have be able to do this his it wasn't for you and your liquid confidence." Michael was too caught up in his own thoughts to even realize what the boy said or to even notice that the he had already gotten up and walked away to the plane only staggering slightly.


It had now been two days since Michael left Ashton and Calum in Vegas, and it had also been two days since Michael had met Luke, and he couldn't get the mysterious blonde out of his head.
Right now he was sat in the middle of his bed eating cookie dough flavored ice cream reminiscing over the major idiotic things he had ever done in his life while flicking through channels on his television.

"This just in police have just discovered four more bodies from flight-182 that crashed off of the coast of northern Australia along with Luke Hemmings, the pilot of the plane." This had caught his attention snapping him out of his day dream. The television showed a picture of the same exact guy Michael couldn't get out of his head. How could Michael forget him with his bright blue eyes and beautiful blonde hair.

"The coroners results state that the pilot was intoxicated while flying the plane.Resulting in the 22 year old crashing the plane into Pacific Ocean." Slowly tears flowed over the gates of Michaels eye lids. When he realized what had happened. Luke was drunk because of him. He was the one that practically forced him to take the shots. Tears rolled freely down his face. It hurt to know that he was the cause of the death of innocent people. He was the cause of Luke's death. A part of his heart hurt because Luke made him feel special, and he took away some bodies chance of ever being able to marry Luke and being able to feel special like Luke made Michael feel, and it was all his fault.
The kitten like boy curled into a ball; sobs shaking his body as he thought of what he'd done. He didn't care if his neighbors heard him. His throat was raw and burned and his vision was blurred as he looked up at the ceiling. So many thoughts had raced through Michaels mind only a few days ago, but now the only thing he was questioning was how he hadn't noticed the pilots uniform.

"I'm a murderer."


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