Looking Out For You ~B

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He knows not to do this.

No matter how many times I tell him Luke never listens to me cause god forbid if he did then that would just ruin his little 16 year old image of wanting to be independent when he doesn't even know the first thing about it.

Sitting in the living room in our tutor style home I waited for my young brat of a brother to come home after doing lord knows what. It's currently 1am now and thankfully mom and dad are sleeping cause if not then he'd have to hear it from all of us.

Two hours later and still nothing so I decided to call him.

'Heyyy what's up.' He slurred on the other line as he picked up.

'Where the fuck are you Luke?' I asked angry.

'I'm at some party can you like chill the fuck out.' He said slurring and hiccuping with each word.

'Are you drunk?' I asked furious.

'Hehe, maybe.' He said giggling.

'You're only 16 for Pete's sake Luke you need to grow up at some point.' I said pacing back and fourth in our living room.

'And you need to fucking losen up Michael, God you're so uptight.' He said as he took another drink I could tell as I heard him gulp.

'Whatever Luke just tell me where you are, I'm coming to get you.' I said sternly.

'As if I'd leave now the parties just getting started plus Ashton will bring me home.' He said and that name infuriated me.

'Ashton? Of course you're with him I'm not surprised. Ever since you've been 'dating' him you've changed for the worst now tell me where you are or I'll wake mom and dad and tell them of your little adventure.' I threatened knowing it'll win.

'You wouldn't.' He asked nervous.

'Wanna bet.' I retorted.

'You fucking twat! Fine! You just have to ruin everything, I'm at Josh's.' He said in defeat and I just smiled hanging up and grabbing my keys.

After driving for a few minutes I finally arrived at the house and texted him to come out and he did.

With Ashton.

God I fucking hate that guy so much. They were making out, practically devouring each others faces and as they did Ashton looked right at me with those evil eyes and I beeped the horn and they said their goodbyes and he got in the car.

'You fucking ruin everything I hope you know that.' He said cross in his arms.

'That's what you think but I'm just looking out for you.' I said truthfully.

'You think because you're in your twenties and in college that you know everything, but you don't okay? You don't know what you're talking about.' He said as he cried wiping his eyes.

'I know I don't know everything but that doesn't mean I don't care about you, I just don't want you to do something stupid that'll you regret later in life or I don't know.' I said defeated as I parked the car in front of our house.

'Well why do you even care you left us. You left me for your own life and not once asked how I felt about it.' He said, tears running down his face and the sight made my heart melt in pain.

'Is this what this is about? You don't think I don't care about you because I left for college?' I said turning to face him.

'I know you don't or you wouldn't have left me, alone with mom and dad.' He said turing to face the window to not look at me.

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