(Not) Evil To The Core ~A

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"Just remember all the good the purge does."

- Warning - mentions of killing,  minor character death, and small discussion of blood


Luke is growing mad. The clock reads 5:37 and Michael isn't home yet. Every ticking minute that goes by causes Luke's chest to hurt a little more and makes it harder to breathe, as if the time is crushing his lungs with every passing second. His anxieties are washing over him and trapping him in, evil thoughts and  pessimistic words running through his mind and leaving him paralyzed. 

5:39. Where the fuck is Michael? 

"Luke, he'll be here soon." Ashton tells him softly, gently resting his hand on the blonde boys shoulder. 

"He was suppose to be home at five," Luke whimpers out in fear, nearly in tears at the idea of the red-haired boy being gone. He's nearly forty minutes late and the blonde is freaking-

A door opens and shuts, before Luke hears his best friends voice call out his name. "Luke? Lukey, where are you?"

The blonde immediately springs up off his bed and races out of his room, right into Michael's open arms. The older boy catches him and holds tightly onto his waist, their chests pressed together. He can feel Luke's heart racing and his hot ragged breath against his neck, making guilt fill him. 

"I was s-so scared," the shorter boy mumbles through his shaky breaths, tightening his grip on his best friends shoulders. 

"I'm sorry," Michael whispers into his hair, closing his eyes and embracing Luke's warmth and comfort. God knows if he'll ever see the boy after tonight. "I'm so sorry, Luke. I tried getting here as soon as I could." 

Ashton watches the two reunite, knowing how hard tonight will be on them. They are undeniably close, practically inseparable, but now Michael was going to go out on the most dangerous night of the year. He knows Luke cares about both of them, but he also isn't blind to the love in his eyes when Michael is around. If something happens to the redhead, Ashton has no doubt that it will kill Luke in more ways than one. 

"Luke," Michael says in a hushed voice, stroking his blonde hair, "we have to get ready." The younger boy tightens his arms around Michael's shoulders, burying himself deeper into his chest in an attempt to hide from the world. It's cute and sad, making both Ashton and Michael's heartache at the sight of the youngest boy. 

"Lukey baby," the brunette says, stepping forward to rest a hand on the small of the blondes back. "We have an hour, we have to start locking up. We need to make sure you're safe." He tells Luke, his protective instincts kicking in as the amount of time they have left dons on him. 

The blonde sniffles but draws away, allowing Ashton to take his hand and give it a soft squeeze. The curly haired boy gives Michael a nod before he leads Luke away so they can start securing their valuables. 

Michael takes a deep breath, watching Luke's slumped figure retreat down the hall with the older boy by his side. He's terrified of what might happen tonight, but he has to go out. Tonight's the only night he can get vengeance, it's the only night he can keep his promise. Calum's death will forever be a mourning mystery unless Michael does this. 

The redhead glances around the room before making his way to the kitchen, grabbing his set out materials off the counter. He starts with turning on the security cameras Ashton set up hours ago, making sure they are all working and the live tape is accessible. Then, he locks and covers all the windows, making sure they are secure. 

It doesn't take too long for the boys to secure the apartment, because they were well prepared. By the time they finish it's already 6:30, meaning they have only thirty minutes until all hell breaks lose. 

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