Addicted To Him ~Kay

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"I don't even know who to look for..." The younger boy said with an anxiety ridden face.

Jack scoffed.  

"How many people do you think go to an abandoned warehouse in the middle of the night?" He teased.

"Why can't you just do it.." Luke argued back as he took a sip from his glass.

"Because Izzy and I are going out for our anniversary, and tonight is the only night Mike's free." He explained nonchalantly and reached into his wallet pulling out a small wad of cash before handing it over to the younger boy.

"What if I die huh? If I do, I'm haunting you for the rest of your life."

"Seems fair." Jack smirked as he walked out of the kitchen and headed out the front door.


"Just say, that you're Jack's little brother,  here to get the shït. Okay?" Luke heard on through the line as he sat in his car, hand gripping the money Jack had given him.

"Wh--what if I fūck up and he kills me or something!" He stressed as he tried to calm his breathing as he looked out into the darkness surrounding him.

"You watch way to much tv, Lucas..."

And that's all he heard before the line went dead. He huffed in frustration as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket.

His shaky hands finally reached to grab the keys from the ignition, shutting the car off completely before opening the door and stepping out.

Stuffing both hands into his jacket, he began walking towards what looked like the entrance. Walking closer he could see that the door was boarded shut will caution tape all around the wood. Great.


He had managed to get through some low rickety window. It wasn't easy however, it was way to small and thank god he was somewhat flexible or else he would have gotten stuck.

He had his phone out, the brightness turned all the way up so he could see where he was heading. There were tall metal shelves, row after row that looked about ready to all collapse or topple over.

About 3 minutes into walking around this seemingly empty building, he had began to hear footsteps that were not his own. A lot heavier than his own in fact.

"What's a beautiful thing like you doing wondering around here?" A voice hummed, startling Luke. His breathe hitched as he saw a showdown moving closer in the dark room.

Luke finally saw the strangers face, almost drooling as he stared at the beautiful features. Green eyes that almost glowed in the dark were glued to Luke's blue ones as he let his eyes roam over such beautiful plump lips. Luke was suddenly pulled out of his trance when his eyes grazed over the ones in front of him again.

"Oh--um... I was just...." He stuttered nervously as he bit his pieced lip and suddenly became interested in his beat up old vans.

"Hey hey hey." The mysterious man spoke again as he reached to grab the younger boys chin, pulling it up to meet his eyes yet again.

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