One last Time~Bri

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The part 2 of this will be updated next Friday, but the more you vote and comment the more motivation I will have to right the sequel. WARNING!!!!!!! This is an early update because I have to watch scary children tomorrow, so I will most likely not be updating until mid time next week, but I know I will next Friday. thank you
Song of the Chapter:
-One last time by Arianna Grande

I'm an idiot.

That's the only thing that has been going my head for the last three months. The guy that is supposed to be mine is sitting in his room right next to me making out with some blonde bimbo. But, what he doesn't know is that she's just playing him for his money, and I can't do anything about it. I guess technically this is my fault after all.
I was the one who came home drunk off my ass because I couldn't express my feelings in the right way. I was the one who made Michael stand outside in the rain trying to comfort me. I was the one who made Michael cry when he confessed his love to me. It seems all this drama has to do with me.

The memories of that night are still fresh in my mind. I remember stumbling into a bar at around twelve ready to drown my unnatural thoughts. I even met the exact same girl that's in Michaels arms right now.I remember we used to cuddle like that. She doesn't deserve someone as great as Michael, but then again neither do I. I once heard her talking on the phone about how she was gonna dump him soon because he wasn't buying her enough things. Maybe I'll be there to help Michael through the breakup; maybe not since he does hate my existence right now.
I remember walking home drunk because I couldn't find my keys which was a good thing because I could've badly hurt someone even though I already did that to Mikey except emotionally.
When I finally got home he was waiting on the front porch, but something was off; it looked like he'd been crying. He was always there for me when I came home drunk every night because I couldn't tell him how I feel because no one would ever love me. As soon as I made it up the stairs I was wrapped up into his warm embrace. Michael cried into my shirt while I cried into his shoulder. We both just stood there in each others embrace in the pouring rain. I didn't know why he was upset until he finally broke the silence that surrounded us.

"Luke, I-..... I love you. I love you more than a friend!" His sobs grew louder as more silent tears rolled down my face. " I love you so much, and every time I look at you it hurts because I just want you to feel the same way!" If I wasn't still holding him he would've fallen to his knees by now.

But, that's the thing. I love you too, yet you'll never know that because no one can ever love someone like me. The famous words of my mother when I told her I liked boys.

"N-No,... you can't I-"

"Why?!" He tried to interrupt.

"You can't love me Mikey." it hurt so much to say that.

"I do though. I love you so much." His tears mixed with rain drops seemed to make his eyes a lot greener. It felt as if I could see every emotion in his beautiful eyes.

"No you don't. You can't. I don't--I can't love you!!" My eyes stung from the amount of tears that were now flowing past the gates of my eyelashes. I wish I could've taken back every word I said, and kissed him. But, I can't. If it hadn't for my drunken and emotional state I would've just kissed him, but no one could ever love a freak like me. Not even my own mother could. So, I did the only thing I know how to do. I ran. I ran away from him just like I do with all my problems

Ever since that day I've regretted every thing. Even my own existence.

Screw it.

If what's left of the threads of our friendship is gonna be like this I might as well ruin the rest of it.I slowly got out of my bed and fixed my hair trying to look half descent since I haven't been out of my room in a few days. There were bags under my eyes and my skin looked a sickly pale. Looks like it's all or nothing.
As I made it out into the living room Michael was sat on the couch just staring at a blank television screen. I didn't say anything nor do anything. I just watched him thinking of what to say. Although it seemed as if he beat me to it.

"What do you want, Luke?" He seemed irritated by my prescience which was kinda unfair since I lived here too. Instead of saying anything I moved over to the couch a he was sitting on and sat on the edge of it. Im pretty sure even a stranger could feel all the tension in the room. All the quietness and silence that has consumed me these last few months has made me begin to think maybe I was a mistake; maybe I shouldn't have even been born.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say as I fought back my tears. I thought I wouldn't be able to cry since I had already cried so much in the past few months, but I guess not. Once again I was only met with silence.

I guess silence is our new always. And, maybe I'm beginning to grow used to that.

"Really! That's all you have to say?! All your going to say is sorry?! You don't know how long I've loved you Luke! And when I finally tell you. You rejected my feelings and left me in the rain!! I can't believe you. You really are a wimp." By now tears were rolling down my cheeks at the speed of light. I deserved every word he said though. The truth stung like a bitch.

"I..... I'm sorry. I wish I could've told you how I really felt. I'm a liar because the truth is I love you! I love you so much! I've loved you for so long and I could never tell you because I'm a freak, and I don't deserve you! It hurts to see you've moved on, but that girl your dating she doesn't love you like I do! I fee like a failure. I should've treated you better maybe I'd still have you. And, I know that you've got everything, but I've got nothing hear without you." I couldn't see anything because my vision was blurred with so many tears. " I know I don't deserve you and I know you don't deserve this but can't you just forgive me at least just temporarily. Just give me one last chance I need to be the one you love. Not some random chick you met on the street." (A/N Ari is love. Ari is life) My words got quieter and quieter until they were nothing more than an echo that bounced off of the four walls of our house.

"Please." I let out one last mangled sob before silence encased us again. It seemed as if time slowed down, and only our heart beats were heard.


To be continued.........



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