When October ends

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Early update because I'm going somewhere for the next few day and won't be able to update. around 1096 words. MINI RANT: IF YOU GUYS BELIEVE IN THE APOCALYPSE OR GLOBAL SHUTDOWN WATCH THIS VIDEO BECAUSE SHITS GONNA GO DOWN IN OCTOBER!!!
Warning: I don't mean to offend anyone if I do. This is what I believe is going to happen in October turned into a FICTIONAL story. ok?ok.
Song of chapter: holiday- by Green Day
"Daddy, why do we celebrate October first?" "Well how 'bout I tell you the story of the Saints of October."

"Michael! Please, you have to believe me!" The tall blonde pulled on Michaels old Green Day hoodie.

"Luke, I can't. I just can't with you right now. Your acting crazy." Michaels dull gray eyes traced over every part of Luke's body looking for anything that resembled the bright eyed and happy Luke he once knew.

"It's October 1st! Please just come with me; come with us! Calum and Ashton believe me! Everything bad; everything you've ever thought could go wrong is going to happen! Hell! It's already started! Haven't you seen Greece?!" Michaels eyes flickered over to Ashton and Calum who were standing silently by the door both holding two duffel bags full of their belongings with tear stained cheeks silently pleading for Michael to come with them. Before Michaels could respond Luke continued on with his rant.

"THE WORLD IS CRASHING MICHAEL! DONT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!" The only thing Michael could think about was his family. What about his mom? His dad? What would happen to them?

"All the things you love and care for so much is going to die or going to vanish. Everything you care about is going to be torn apart. The worlds economy is crashing! Only the elite will survive! We are not the elite Michael; we need to leave now! For our own good. It's already started haven't you seen the signs?!"

It's was true. Just this morning on the news they were told that three other countries have lost all value to their money and are now trying to revert to gold. Half of Australia is already in Martial Law things are going to get much worse in the next 30 days and Michael knew that. But, could he really leave everything he knew and loved behind?

(A/n Martial law is and extreme and rates sure used to control society during war, civil unrest or chaos.)

".....Luke I-I can't-" His voices as just above a whisper because they were hiding in an abandoned house that had been raided by the troops just a few days ago. Lets just say the people who were here before them were now in body bags some where. Those people were the products of one of the many reapings that happened since Martial Law was set. If Luke didn't keep quiet all four boys would end up just like the others.

"YES! YES YOU CAN MICHAEL! I ALREADY LOST BEN AND JACK I CANT LOSE YOU TOO!" Luke was in hysterics right now. He knew what was going to happen. He just didn't want to be around when all hell broke lose throughout the world. He wanted to be on the island that he had found with Calum and Ashton. Luke wanted to be with Michael forever. He wanted the love of his life to stay safe away from harms way. But in a world like this there was only one way to survive; to killers or to be rich, and the elite were both.

The elite were everywhere. They controlled everything. They owned everything. America and Russia were now the products of nuclear fallout. The only people that survived in the U.S were the wealthy, and they were far away from the blast zone before this happened. People are saying the President and multiple senators set that up as a way to stop overpopulation. No one survived in Russia though.
The United Kingdom stopped using paper money and reverted to gold. In many places in the UK there is slavery due to the major debt. India has been isolated because of severe famine and disease spread. Other countries are still un responsive to the things occurring around them. No one is preparing for the worse. It's as if everyone is blind and can't see anything wrong in the world.

It was in this moment that Michael realized what was happening. Everything that Luke had been ranting about for the past eight months was coming true, and they were stuck in the middle of the crossfire.

"Okay, Luke I need you to calm down before they find us. I understand that you've lost your family to them, but you need to pull yourself together." Ashton finally stepped in trying to calm the younger boy. Seeing Luke in the state that he was in made something finally click in his head. If he wanted to survive he would have to suck it up and do what he needed for the better of his and Luke's future.

"Luke... I'll do it! I'll go with you!" Ashton walked back over to Calum holding his lover close in fear of losing him as the blonde tackled Michael in a swarm of kisses with one finally landing on his lips. Letting out one last exasperated 'I love you' before gun shots rang through the a abandoned house from outside.

"Shit! They're reaping again! Run!" Loud yells and gun shots swept through the house and many others like it. The front door was kicked down as all four boys raced to the back of the house trying to get to safety.

Two gun shots rang through the boys ears. One grazed Luke's ear and the other went right through Calum's legs as he hopped out of the window with the rest of the boys.

"C'mon! We need to go! Now." But, Calum was laid out on the ground groaning holding his leg as the foot steps of the troops echoed through the house looking for the boys.

"I can't get up. Just go with out me!" This was an answer Ashton did not want to hear.

"Like hell we're leaving you!" The Curly haired lad dropped the duffle bags he was carrying and lifted Calum up onto his back.

As the boy reached the beginning of the forest all the footsteps stopped. Lasers panted their backs, and the tree's in front of them.

"Freeze! Stand down and place your hands behind your heads! This is reaping day. You have been caught! Are. There. Any. Last. Words." Michael and Luke laced their fingers together while Ashton just stayed still holding his lover close. They weren't going to give up that easy.

Michael finally spoke up "Yeah, look behind you."

All four boys used that distraction as a chance to run. And, they did. Holding they're lovers close, and never letting go. They ran fearing for their future, fearing for their lives, but not without leaving hope for survival for others like them. They weren't stuck in the crossfire any more.

These boys; now men were to be known as the Saints of October First. They held hope for the new world.

Comment if you believe this or something like this is actually gonna happen because I do. It's okay to call me crazy if you don't because we'll see what happens when October comes. My family thinks I'm crazy because of this

Love you lots jelly tots

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