Darkness ~K

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Kayla kinda inspired me to write this so @ kayla Ty bro



Michael knew the boy was incredibly dangerous. That he can and has done horrific things.

But the boy was the only one that has ever been there for Michael. He never failed to protect him or hold him close. Though, I guess, the reason for Michael to not run away screaming is that he hasn't actually seen the boy do anything.

Until tonight.

Michael made his way down the street after his shift at work. Luke's sweatshirt protecting him from the cold. His tattooed fingers hugged the material to his palms as he walked.

The punk had always went home by himself, so he wasn't as cautious as you should be when it neared midnight in a big city. He didn't look twice at the 3 men on the other side of the street who were staring him down.

Michael just kept walking, his mind on everything except the potential danger he could be in. His thoughts stayed on a particular person that had consumed his entire brain. The strange, dark, beautiful person that managed to captivate a particular lilac haired boy.

Luke was otherworldly...literally. His flawless complexion and velvet voice was only hiding a nightmare. It proved to be true when the blonde lost his temper even a little bit. Sparkling blue eyes would melt into blackness. A practically uncontrollable emotion would blind him until he found a way to calm down.

Luke made it extremely clear to Michael just how dangerous he was. Though the lilac boy is scared of him, he was so drawn to Luke that he almost couldn't stand being away. No one has, or ever will, care about Michael as much as Luke does.

Luke knew it was wrong, too.

Their relationship was against every rule in the book, but he couldn't tear himself away. He's never been so infatuated with a human before. Hell, he didn't even knew it was possible to feel anything but anger and hate.

But there Michael was, breaking down every wall he had and capturing whatever heart was left.

Michael was so tangled up in his head that he didn't notice the men from earlier following him. In fact, he didn't even look up from the ground until he was yanked backward by his shirt.

The lilac haired boy started to scream, but it was abruptly cut off by a hand covering his mouth.

"None of that, sweetheart. We wouldn't want people to hear, yeah?" A rough, slurring voice teased. The other two guys jeered behind him, somehow thinking this was hilarious.

Michael was trembling violently, tears leaking down his face as he struggled against the large arms. He squeezed his eyes shut, praying everything will go away. The only thing he could think about was Luke and how he wished he was here.

"Let's see that pretty little body of yours." The man chuckled, running his thick fingers down Michael's chest.

The punk was about to have a full on panic attack when suddenly, his restraints were free.

His eyes snapped open to see 2 guys laying on their backs, unmoving. While a figure held Michael's captor up against the brick wall with one hand.

Luke was there. Luke had saved him.

But the blonde boy was in the state Michael was so terrified of. His usually pale skin almost glowed a reddish tone. His eyes nothing but endless black pits as he stared up at the disgusting man who was clawing to get away.

Luke didn't even flinch as fingernails dug at his hand. The only movement Michael saw was Luke's muscles twitch, followed by a sickening cracking sound as the man crumpled to the ground, dead.

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