Corrupted Skyscrapers~Bri

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I wrote the poem at the end. Im sad because warped tour is today, but I'm not even going and my friend is, and she keeps gloating about it . Also happy birthday to @TheAmazingWorldOfFic I remember reading one of your comments about your b-day being soon.  P.s sorry this is a sad one shot b/c I'm sad.
If your reading this it's too late.

    The dark gloomy clouds that rolled through the sky were lit up by bright yet delicate streaks of lightening. Today's weather seemed to match Luke's personality very well. Anyone could tell that something was wrong- that something was out of place. Everyone could feel it.
Ashton sat by his drum kit practicing while Calum stared watching the boys muscles flex through his shirt with every movement he made. Luke felt a pang of hurt and in his heart at his actions. Michael rested his hand on the inside of the younger boys thigh trying to soothe the him. It's not like anyone else but Luke could see Michael though.
Even a complete stranger could probably see the anguish in Luke's eyes as he watched Calum, but no one other than Michael cared enough to pay attention. Calum-his boyfriend- was just too busy staring at someone else.

"Maybe today should be the day,Lukey." Michael whispered in the boys ear lacing their fingers together. Luke smiled slightly remembering when Calum used to do that. He likes it a lot better when Michael holds his hand now.

Grabbing the letter that he had prepared a while ago Luke gently placed it by Calum's feet making sure he didn't notice and walked out the door for the very last time. Luke knew where he was going. Michael had helped him plan out the entire idea. They were going to be together forever.
It didn't take long for Luke to make it up the stairs to the roof of the skyscraper like hotel.
With their hands still clasped together both boys  sat down on the edge of the building in silence preparing themselves for what was to come.

"You know...I love you Lukey. We're finally gonna be together, and no one will be able to separate us." The jade eyed boy glanced over to Luke who sat staring with tears in his eyes at the many people who scurried all over time square trying getting to their destinations.

"I love you too Mikey. Everything is so beautiful-It's perfect. I'm glad I get to spend this time with you." Luke had always wanted to visit New York ever since he was a little boy. It was Michael's idea to say goodbye at a place he'd remember forever. Everything was perfect; yesterday they played their last show in New York, and they finally had a few days to relax.

Michaels thumb traced little designs over Luke's hand as he hummed.
"You ready?"

"Yea-" Luke's response was cut short by the rooftop door flinging open. There stood Calum and Ashton panting slightly. Fear being  the only emotion that showed on their faces.

"L-Luke, what are you doing babe" Calum inched closer to where Luke sat crouched down with his eyebrows furrowed at the pet name used. Luke wasn't Calum's 'babe' anymore; Ashton was.

"Stay back! I'm not your 'babe'! You don't love me, and I don't love you anymore! I love Michael!" Luke pulled Michael closer lacing their fingers together again.

"Luke..... Who are you talking about? There's no one there." Confusion etched over both the older lads features as they tried to figure out who Luke was talking about.

"Yes there is! He's right here!" Luke shrieked as he rapped his arms around Michael's frame. Then it hit them. Luke hadn't taken his medicine in a while.

"Luke-baby I need you to calm down-"

"DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! you calm down, I'm fine" Tears flooded Luke's vision as he stood up on the ledge with Michael who was smiling to himself as the scene unfolded before his very eyes.

"Luke, please think about what your doing. Think about the fans. What about them? Huh? Michael isn't real Luke! Just please step down from there before you hurt yourself." Ashton was on his knees now. He knew how this was going to end; he just didn't want to think it was true.

"1,187 people commit suicide a year  in New York, Luke. I bet there all happy now." Michael coaxed even though he knew Luke was the only one that could hear him.

"It's funny how your both begging now." Luke sobbed. " I know you don't really care, Calum. All you care about is Ashton. I know you love him more than me, and it's alright. I have Michael now, and we're going to be together forever. The fans will get over me, and you'll find a better lead singer. I'll just go down in history as another waste of talent. I'm tired of waking up everyday wanting to truly be with Mikey, but I can't. You can finally be with Ashton after I'm gone, Cal. Everyone will get what they want in the end. Please! Just be happy for me." Tears were streaming down everyone's face as a silence consumed them because everything Luke had just said was true.

" I never meant to break your heart, Luke. I was just lonely. I knew you weren't mentally there all the way, but everybody falls apart sometimes. Please! Just don't do this! I shouldn't have fuck with you mind and your life! I know that! I don't want to lose you-we don't want to lose you! I don't want to lose a lover and a friend in one night. Please, Luke! Don't do this." Luke stood there arms stretched out wide looking behind him with tear stained cheeks as Michael held him close.

"Maybe in another life things would have been fine. If we could only turn back time things would have been alright. Don't forget me guys. We'll still be friends." Sparing one last glance at his brothers- the guys he had spent everyday day of his life for as long as he could remember- Luke plummeted backwards down to the ground below wrapped in Michael's embrace as they shared their last words together.

"I'm finally gonna be with you Mikey." Michael couldn't help but smirk as he let out a raspy chuckle at the boys last words.

"But, Luke I was with you all along. After all I am just a figment of your imagination."

Luke's letter to Calum:

If I fall to the ground from this
corrupted skyscraper with a splat
Would you notice that you never had my back
At my crime scene they would talk over my body with words written in black
By now I'll be street art;
a modern day Mona Lisa
My blood paints the ground as my eyes fade from the once brightest blues to grey
By now I'm home bound
Away from this sickly hell
by the corrupted skyscraper I once fell

Isn't life interesting.


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