By Your Side Forever~B

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'Luke seriously you need to hurry up!' Michael called from downstairs.

'I can't find my beanie.' Luke replied as he searched everywhere in his room.

'We're gonna be late just forget the damn beanie.' Michael said as he grabbed his phone and car keys.

'Found it! Coming.' Luke said placing the hat on his head before he ran downstairs to an annoyed Michael.

'About time.' Michael said as he rolled his eyes and they walked out heading to their car.

'Whatever I look good so that's all that matters.' Luke said with a shrug as he got into the car.

'Yeah and now we're gonna be late.' Michael said starting the car.

'Chill, five minutes is hardly late.' Luke said rolling his eyes for the hundredth time.

Michael just huffed and drove off into the street. Luke was playing with the radio trying to find a good station with a song but he wasn't having much luck. Finally finding a decent enough song he turned it up and jammed to the music.

'Can you lower that?' Michael asked and Luke obliged with a sigh.

Luke was on his phone aimlessly checking his instagram as Michael drove to their friends birthday party that Michael had screamed they were gonna be late to but Luke knew they'd be fine, I mean really Ashton won't even care. He'll just be happy that they even showed up.

'So where is this party again?' Luke asked glancing up from his phone.

'I don't know, it's at some club or whatever I'm not really sure.' Michael said as he searched for his phone in his pocket.

'Great you don't even know where we're going.' Luke said with an annoyed expression.

'Yes I do, once I get my phone and type in the address so relax.' Michael said taking his phone out of it's holder and typing as he drove.

'And I was the one that was gonna make us late.' Luke said looking at Michael who looked at him with a blank stare.

'Well we'd be extra-' Michael started but was cut off as the side of his car came into contact with a truck.

Wheels screeched.

The car slid off the road and rolled over both bodies swaying with the car.

Windows shattered.

Glass was everywhere, on the ground, in the car, stuck in places and people.


The two boys screamed as the car had rolled over and bystanders had stopped their cars and cried out in fear at the sight.


The two cars had stopped moving and both lay on their side in a mess of metal and chaos.


It was a deafening silence that filled the highway as everyone stared in shock as the metal coffin held both boys.


Michael had awoken, groggy with a headache and a ringing in his head as he felt blood dripping from somewhere. He looked around with lazy eyes and saw Luke in the other seat hunched over and bloody. He doesn't know how or when but Michael had gotten out of his seat and went to Luke, grabbing and pulling at his seatbelt struggling to get him out.

Finally the seatbelt came undone and Michael struggled to drag Luke out of the car but he did and they layed on the ground as Luke went in and out of consciousness.

'P-please Luke wake up, baby wake up.' Michael pleaded as he stared down at his bloody boyfriend. He was a crying mess as he stared down at a helpless Luke.

They sat on the ground as everyone was watching, scared, shocked, not knowing what to do. Someone had called the ambulance but lord knows when it'll arrive, possibly too late.

'I'm so sorry Luke, this is all my fault.' Michael cried as he held onto Luke. He cried and cried till hia eyes hurt.

'My head hurts.' Luke said quietly with eyes closed finally coming to.

'I know baby, I know but you'll be okay soon.' Michael said with relief as he looked at his boyfriend through clouded eyes.

A loud siren was heard in the back and it got louder as it approached both boys. Michael didn't remember much after that except for when they wheeled Luke away on a stretcher and he pleaded and begged them to let him go in the ambulance with Luke but they wouldn't, so he stood behind watching as Luke was taken away from him and he couldn't do anything about it.

He asked one of the officers to take him to the hospital and thankfully they agreed. All the way there he couldn't breath and he couldn't stop crying. His whole chest felt like it would collapse inside of him.

All he wanted was to see his baby and make sure he's okay.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital Michael ran out of the car and to the front desk to find out where Luke was. The lady had told him the room number and he ran to the room.

He walked in and there was his angel lying on the bed with an iv in his right arm and cuts and bruises littered his beautiful face and body.

'Luke.' Michael breathed out in a barely audible whisper as he walked up to the sleeping boy taking a seat beside him.

'Luke, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault.' Michael cried holding onto Luke's hand.

The hospital room was filled with sobs and the beep of the monitor that wavered here and there.

'If I just paid attention to the road then, then none of this would have happened.' Michael kept repeating as he tightened his grip on Luke.

'I promise, I'm never gonna leave your side Luke.' Michael promised as he looked down at his beautifully bruised angel.

Hours passed.

Luke's mom finally made it the hospital and was a mess as her and Michael talked and watched Luke in anticipation.

Days passed.

Luke didn't show any signs of becoming conscious but Michael didn't leave his side, not even once.

He still had hope.

Weeks passed.

The doctors didn't know what else to do and soon they'd just pull the plug.

Michael couldn't handle that.

He cried and cried and just held onto Luke even tighter

The day was finally here.

Michael and Liz were holding eachother both not being able to watch as the doctors approached the machines.


'W-what's going on?' Luke asked as his eyes fluttered open.


Did you think I was gonna kill Luke? Honestly I was originally but I just couldn't so hope you enjoyed

Love you

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