Birthday Suprise ~Kay

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A/N: this is old and from my oneshot book on my other account but I'm lazy and didn't feel like updating today because its ma birthday.. So yeah, sorry if you've read this before but I'll probably post a new one tomorrow or something xx

"Luke, why are you standing out here?" The birthday boy asked.

"Don't question me Michael. Just come on inside!" his boyfriend answered back.

Both boys walked hand in hand from the older lads car all the way to the front door of Ashton's more spacious house.

Luke let go of Michaels smaller hand and turned the door handle, shoving Michael into the house:


Everyone over filled the house. There was his friends, people he's never even seen before and other sick bands that the red head loved! If he had to guess he would say there was about 90-100 people there.

"Whoa! Did you guys do all of this?!" He asked him band mates as they came up to him to exchange hugs and what not.

"You deserve it bud, now let's get this party started!" Calum yelled out and everyone cheered as they put their drinks in the air.

Michael had tried to be as nice as he could and go around and thank everyone for coming to the party. He spent about 30 minutes thanking people and chatting before he was pulled away by his boyfriend to the "dancefloor" that was just Ashton and Calum's shared living room.

Luke's hands found their way up into Michaels hair as the music pounded around them. "Babe, you need to loosen up, it's your birthday! Have a little fun, won't ya?" he screamed into the elders ear over the music. Michael pulled his face back and nodded while staring into Luke's dilated blue eyes.

A song ended and a new one started again:

-Birthday Sex by Jeremih

"Perfect" Luke thought.

His hands tangled in blood red hair as his hips began to swing and sway to the beat. Michael's body wasn't really reacting the way he wanted to so he took it to the next level. He untangled his fingers from his hair and trialled them down his neck, then on to his shoulders. Slowly sliding his fingers down the lightly toned arms. He took away all touch and if the music wasn't so loud he would have heard Michael whine in protest. Luke's back was soon pressed to Michaels front as he began grinding on him. Michaels arm slid it's way to lock the younger boy in place, not that he wanted to get out anyways. The elder started to grind up into his ass as the song reached it's chorus:

"You say you want passion, I think you found it

Get ready for action, don't be astounded

We switching positions, you feel surrounded

Just tell me where you want your gift girl..."

:Luke reached his arm behind him to lock around the back of Michaels slightly sweaty neck. Things were started to get a little too rated R, but they doubt no one was watching anyway. Everyone was already to drunk to give a second though. Plus it's not like their relationship was a secret.

Luke could feel breath against his ear, assuming it was Michaels moans, he grinded harder again this hardening bulge.

Throughout the whole song the two boys were lost in their 'dancing' if you could even call it that. They were practically having sex. Shortly after the song ended and some dubstep shit played throughout the whole house. Luke broke away and turned to kiss the now 19 year old before disappearing into the crowed leaving Michael hard and super horny.

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