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I've been fighting through the depths of hell to redeem myself for scaring you guys with my last update. Really didn't mean to scare you guys 😁 my apologies.

"Baby cakes! I miss you. Come home it's our anniversary." Luke's chipper voice rang through the speaker of Michaels phone.

Michael groaned at the use of the silly nickname Luke had thought of when they were younger. The younger boy had never gone a day without using the name to spite Michael. He'd always claimed that Michael had a baby face and Luke was obsessed with the mini cupcakes he always got from their local grocery store. So, Luke being the creative person he is combined the two of his favorite things, and hasn't stopped calling Michael that since.

"Happy anniversary too you, baby. I'll be home in a few. I'm just getting groceries." The eldest said as he picked up the same exact cupcakes that Luke loved so very much. Michael chuckled as he used the one pet name that Luke hated to be called because he claimed that 'it made him feel stupid.' But, for all Michael knew stupid could have been a code name for the butterflies Luke always felt when Michael called him that, but Luke would never admit it.

"Hurry up then!" Luke always grew impatient when he wanted things to happen.

"I've got a present for you, and I think she's growing impatient too." With each word he said his voice went up a pitch. Michael loved when he did that in bed.

"She?" There was a slight shuffle in the background as Luke murmured something in a baby voice.

".......Well, let's just say I may or may not have gotten you something with four paws and extremely soft fur as your anniversary present." Luke chuckled as a soft meow was heard in the background.

"Luke-Luke you didn't?!" Michael was now jumping up in down in the middle of the store like a child.

"Come home, so you can meet our new pet, baby cakes." Lets just say Michaels high school gym teacher would have been proud of him because he has never ran so fast in his entire life.


Michael arrived to his and Luke's shared house in less than ten minutes. Stumbling up the steps Michael flung the front door open to see Luke at the to of the stair case holding a kitten with what looked to be a red collar and an extremely shiny tag, and a box in his other hand. Luke tried to hold back a fond smile at the squeal Michael made as he slowly descended the stairs.
Michael quickly dropped his keys and bags and raced to meet Luke at the bottom of the stairs trying to grab at the kitten. The smile that once graced Michaels cherry red lips soon fell and was replace with tears once he realized what Luke was actually holding. Luke held up the 'kitten' to eye level and gave it a light squeeze. The same exact meow that Michael heard through the phone came from the object that Luke was smiling at. His dimple showed as the blonde squeezed the plushy again at the same exact time a single tear escaped Michaels eye. How could someone Michael loves so much do something so evil like this?

"What kind of sick fucking joke is this?!" Luke's smile soon fell.

"What do you mean? Don't you see it??" Luke waved the stuffed cat in Michaels face as if he were mocking him.

Michael just slapped the stuffed animal out of his hand and rushed out of the front door trying to get away from Luke before he had a meltdown. He didn't even think of grabbing his keys, so he just ran down his street with hot tears blurring his vision. Why would Luke do something like this? Michael was never this cruel to Luke even when they hated each other in year nine. He wasn't mad a Luke though; he was mad at himself for actually falling for Luke's prank. The black haired boy didn't even make it to the end of the street before he tripped over his own feet and landed flat on his face. He just laid there crying curled up in a ball.
It wasn't long before Luke's mind finally processed what had just happened. Still holding the box and the stuffed animal tight in his arms he walked out of the house and into the trees walking towards the boy he loved so much. It broke Luke's heart to see Michaels in the position he was in.

"Why?" Was the only think Michael could wheeze out through the tears. More sobs and sputters came out of his mouth when Luke sat down beside him.

"Mikey-fuck!.... I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I didn't think you would react this way when you saw the ring. I knew I was moving out relationship fast. I just didn't think you'd react this way." Luke's voice cracked as he tried to hide the fact that he was trying to fight back tears too.

"Luke....... what are you talking about?" Michael lifted his head up from his lap in confusion.

"The cat..... You saw the ring on the cats collar, and you ran. right? I thought that was your way of saying no to me marring me."Luke sniffled.

"Oh, Luke." Michael groaned scooting closer to him. "I'd never say no to you. Fuck! I didn't even see the ring. I thought you were pulling a prank on me with the fake cat. You knew I've always wanted a cat; I thought you were playing with me." The green eyed boy dryly chuckled at his own stupidity.

"Wait, so does this mean you haven't decided yet?" Luke perked up a little untying the fake collar that the ring was tied to.

"Yes Luke. Yes, I'll marry you." Michael said connecting his lips with Luke's as the blond placed the ring onto his finger. They were like two puzzle pieces from two different puzzles, yet they still fit together perfectly.

"Oh, and Michael."

"Yeah?" The blonde only scooted the half open box off of his lap towards his new fiancé. Michael opened the box with a soft gasp escaping his lips at the small kitten that popped out of the box.

"I named her Mukayla."



"I love you."

The two boys were like two puzzle pieces from two separate puzzles, yet they still fit together perfectly.

Our schedules for updating is just all fucked up. BUT HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT ALL TIME LOW AND SLEEPING WITH SIRENS TOURING TOGETHER! Fuck yeah I'm excited.
Do you guys have any ideas or how I convince my mom to let me go to warped tour. It's on July 24th

Comment 'lets do anal' if you actually read my authors notes

Love you lots jelly tots

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