Afterlife ~K

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You can't wake up this is not a dream.

Halsey is my queen.

Luke's POV

The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was the ungodly amount of light. The whiteness pierced my eyes, forcing me to squint against it. The light wasn't warm like you'd expect it to be. It's rays shot shivers down my spine in the more unpleasant way and I was afraid.

I attempted to block a bit of it away by lifting my hand in front of my face, which caused me to nearly scream. The skin of my arm had lost every bit of its color, leaving it a pale silver. The new discovery had me frantically examining the rest of my body, only to find it the same tone as my hand. Panic rose in my chest and bubbled into my throat, blocking my air ways as I gasped for breath.

At this point, the light became a bit more bearable. Everything around me was bathed in a white color. And when I say everything I mean nothing: the space around me was completely empty. My feet stumbled against each other as I spun in desperate circles again and again. I was alone. Alone and utterly confused.

I couldn't remember anything. Not even my name. Did I have a name? My shaking fingers reached for my hair, tangling and tugging at it harshly. Tears slipped from the corners of my eyes and raced down my face, the liquid colder than the light that consumed me. I wanted to scream but I was too afraid nothing would come out.

I had no idea what to do so I cried. Awful sobs tumbled from my lips for what seemed like hours. My vision obscured by tears. I also noticed in those minutes that my heart wasn't beating. The one thing that had always been consistent and familiar was gone. My pulse wasn't racing or pounding against my ears; silence.

A shadow suddenly passed to my right, dimming the source of light for a split second. My head snapped up only to find more nothing. "H-Hello?" I called in the most pathetic, rough voice. It was like I hadn't used it in centuries, my throat burning from the sudden vibrations.

The shadow passed again behind me. I spun around in hopes of catching a glimpse, but again, it wasn't there. "Pl-Please help m-me." I pleaded. Even though I said everything barely above a whisper, it seemed to echo throughout the empty space. 

For the third time, something moved behind me, but now the light remained dimmed. I turned slowly coming face to face with the 'shadow'. It was another boy, pale and silver like me, except his eyes were the brightest green, his hair a pale red. The emerald's sparkled as they examined me closely, as if looking for something specifically. His skin seemed to be made of glass it was so flawless. Though, he was covered by a white sweater with sleeves that slipped past his palms and exposed his collarbones, and black, ripped skinny jeans on his legs.

My breath hitched in my throat when the boy took a step closer. He was only an inch or two taller than me, his strides longer. Every muscle of my body tensed when he stopped only a few small steps away. "Please d-don't hurt me." I whimpered.

The boy cocked his head to the side and let out a low chuckle. An amused smirk twisted across his lips. "I wouldn't dream of it." He replied, his voice velvet. "Besides, nothing can hurt you when you're dead."

My eyes widened and I stumbled backwards. I would've fallen if the strange boy hadn't caught my arms to steady me. Where our skin made contact, warmth spread. I quickly pulled away. None of this was making sense. I couldn't be dead. This had to be some bizarre dream, or maybe I had been drugged.

I shook my head quickly. "N-No. This isn't r-real." I turned to the boy. "You're not real."

He frowned at my accusation. "This is very much real, and you're very much dead, Luke."

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